The Modular Organization of Pain Brain Networks

Summary of temporal dynamics of brain regions, network construction and graph metrics during pain.

Une publication de Camille Fauchon (NEUROPAIN CRNL) sur son travail de thèse

The Modular Organization of Pain Brain Networks: An fMRI Graph Analysis Informed by Intracranial EEG

Cerebral Cortex Communications, 2020, 1–13

Soutien d'APICIL

 Amandine Rey a reçu un financement de la Fondation APICIL pour un projet de BD pour expliquer la douleur chronique aux enfants et aux adolescents.


red axon, green astrocyte, blue blood vessel

Astrocytes serve important roles that affect recruitment and function of neurons at the local and network levels : synaptic plasticity, neuronal network oscillations, and memory fun…

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