A successful exchange program between CRNL and Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.


Fiona Qiu received a Scholarship from the AINSE/ANSTO/French Embassies (SAAFE) Research Internship Program, and is a laureate of the UCBL1 Neurograduate School Doctoral Mobility Award. She joined the FLUID Team in a collaborative venture with the Norman Saunders Neuroscience laboratory in Melbourne. She will explore the mechanisms by which the developing brain protect itself from drugs and environmental pollutants. 

Modality-specific and modality-independent neural representations work in concert in predictive processes during sequence learning

Teodora Vékony

Teodora Vékony (MEMO) published a paper in Cerebral Cortex in collaboration with Adam Takács (University of Dresden, Germany), Barbara Tillmann (CAP and Dijon), Frederic Haesebaert (PSYR2), Felipe Pedraza (MEMO) and Dezső Németh (MEMO).

They employed a combination of RIDE (residue iteration decomposition) and MVPA (multivariate pattern analysis) on  data obtained in the Neurocampus' EEG lab to demonstrate that probability information can be decoded both as modality-specific and modality-independent neural representation in sequence learning.

GENDEV publication!


A collaborative team effort that combines clinical and new patient identification with cellular and zebrafish model analyses to establish the unsuspected link between minor splicing, a poorly known and under-studied mechanism, and the primary cilium. Hence, for the first time, a pathophysiological mechanism is discovered for these rare syndromes associated with RNU4ATAC.

Check the publication here.