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Our PhD Students

The Student Club

The Student Club has been created with the idea of proposing meetings/actions that could help any profil of student of the research center.
- Trainings: rehearsals for conference talks, thesis or master defense, etc.
- Scientific Integrity & Sustainable Science: the Student Club is part of the worldwide journal clubs networks ReproducibiliTea. We make use of the various scientific materials (papers, softwares, methods, pratices, etc) to think and discuss about the problems the scientific community is facing in terms of scientific integrity and integrate those reflexions in our daily scientific routine.
- Events: The Student Club organizes side activities aiming to make the research center as lively as possible: discussions, conferences, integration days & afterworks. Do not hesitate to come say hi, or to contact us for more information!
- Post-thesis discussion sessions: to prepare our students to their postdoc research or to introduce the private sector by organizing round table and meetings with young and senior researchers.
- Support to students: the Student Club organizers struggle at helping students who have needs as much as possible.
The organizers : Amel Amara, Anna Athanassi, Valentine Brémond-Bostoen, Théo Brunel, Amarine Chancel, Jules Dejou, Cindy Durand, Valentin Ghibaudo, Wanda Grabon, Laetitia Imbert, Justin Malcey