Directory of CRNL
Name | First name | Member of | Position | Phone | Contact |
ABRIAL | Erika | PSYR2 | Chercheuse, Praticienne Hospitalier, HCL | ✉ | |
ACHAINTRE | Laetitia | TIGER, NEUROPOP, FORGETTING | ITA, Assistant Ingénieure, INSERM |
04 81 10 65 13 |
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ADJANOHOUN | Lise | IMPACT | Étudiante, Master 2 recherche, INSERM |
+ 33 7 83 38 18 32 |
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AGRAWAL | Divyanshi | COPHY | Étudiante |
04 72 13 89 00 |
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AGUERA | Pierre Emmanuel | IT and server Infrastructure | ITA, Ingénieur de recherche, INSERM |
04 72 13 89 20 |
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AIME | Mattia | SLEEP | Chercheur, Chargé de Recherche, CNRS |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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AKAOKA | Hidéo | WAKING | Chercheur, Chargé de Recherche, CNRS |
33 (0)4 81 10 65 38 |
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AKIL | Nadege | PSYR2 | ITA, Attachée de Recherche Clinique, CH St Etienne |
04 77 12 78 40 |
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ALIYARI | Fateme | CMO | Étudiante, Doctorante, UCBLyon1 |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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ALOUCHE | Sonia | Human Resources and Financial Management | ITA, Assistant Ingénieure, INSERM |
04 72 91 34 07 |
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AMADOR | Nicolas | COPHY | Étudiant, Master 2 recherche, INSERM |
04 72 13 89 00 |
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AMAT-PION | Corine | IMPACT | Chercheuse, Maître de conférences, UCBLyon1 |
04 72 91 34 07 |
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AMORIM | Gaëtan | GenCyTi | ITA, Assistant Ingénieur, INSERM |
04 81 10 65 27 |
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Andaluz Ly | Rafael | IMPACT | Étudiant, Master 2 recherche, INSERM |
04 72 91 34 07 |
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ANDERSSON | Klara | TIGER | Chercheuse, Post Doctorante, [Autre] |
04 72 13 89 70 |
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ANDRE-OBADIA | Nathalie | NEUROPAIN | Chercheuse, Praticienne Hospitalier, HCL |
04 72 35 78 88 |
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ANNICCHIARICO | Côme | COPHY | Étudiant, Doctorant, INSERM |
04 72 13 89 00 |
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ARDAILLON | Hugo | TIGER, CAP, TRAJECTOIRES | Étudiant, Doctorant, UCBLyon1 |
04 72 12 97 19 |
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ARTHAUD | Sébastien | SLEEP | ITA, Ingénieur de recherche, UCBLyon1 |
33 (0)4 81 10 65 83 |
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ASDIKIAN | Rita | CAP, PAM | Étudiante, Doctorante, UCBLyon1 |
04 72 13 89 00 |
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ATHANASSI | Anna | NEUROPOP | Chercheuse, Post Doctorante, CNRS |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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AUVRAY | Andrea | IMPACT | Étudiante, Master 2 recherche, INSERM |
07 83 22 36 28 |
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AVILLAC | Marie | TIGER | Chercheuse, Maître de conférences, UCBLyon1 |
04 72 13 89 25 |
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AZAROUAL-SENTUCQ | Malika | IMPACT | Chercheuse, Post Doctorante, INSERM |
04 72 91 34 07 |
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BALANCA | Baptiste | TIGER | Chercheur, Maître de conférences praticien hospitalier, HCL,UCBLyon1 |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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BALLANGER | Bénédicte | PATHPARK | Chercheuse, Chargée de Recherche, CNRS |
04 72 13 89 78 |
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BARAKAT | Nadine | PSYR2 | Étudiante, Doctorante, CH Vinatier |
04 37 91 55 65 |
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BARAT | Elodie | TRAJECTOIRES | Chercheuse, Maître de conférences, [Autre] |
04 72 13 89 70 |
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Baronti | Elena | IMPACT | Étudiante, Master 2 recherche |
3319203157 |
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BASTHARD-BOGAIN | Tamara | TIGER | Étudiante, Master 2 recherche, INSERM |
04 72 13 89 70 |
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BATION | Rémy | PSYR2 | Chercheur, Praticien Hospitalier, HCL |
04 72 11 80 64 |
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BEAUDOIN-GOBERT | Maude | CAP | Chercheuse, Post Doctorante, UCBLyon1 |
04 72 91 34 07 |
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BEDJEGUELAL | Aliona | FLUID | Étudiante, Master 1 |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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BEDOIN | Nathalie | TRAJECTOIRES | Chercheuse, Maître de conférences, Univ Lyon2 |
04 72 91 34 07 |
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BELLEC | Elouan | CAP | Chercheur, Doctorant, UCBLyon1 |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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BELMEGUENAI | Amor | TIGER | Chercheur, Maître de conférences, UCBLyon1 |
33 (0)4 72 44 58 41 |
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BENBELAID | Hidayat | TIGER | Étudiante, Master 1 |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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BENETOLLO | Claire | GenCyTi | ITA, Ingénieure de recherche, INSERM |
04 81 10 65 25 |
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BENOIT | Charles-Etienne | PAM | Chercheur, Maître de conférences, UCBLyon1 |
04 72 13 89 00 |
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BENSAFI | Moustafa | NEUROPOP | Chercheur, Directeur de recherche, CNRS |
33 (0)4 81 10 65 21 |
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BERNABEU | Thomas | PSYR2 | Étudiant, Doctorant, CH Vinatier |
04 37 91 55 65 |
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BERRAKMOUCH | Moustapha | N/A | ITA, Assistant Ingénieur, UCBLyon1 |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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BERTRAND | Olivier | iEEG | Chercheur, Directeur de recherche, INSERM |
04 72 13 89 10 |
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BESSON | Alicia | GENDEV | ITA, Ingénieure d'études, UCBLyon1 |
04 81 10 65 28 |
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BETANCOURT | Rachel | CMO | Étudiante, Master 1 |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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BEZIN | Laurent | TIGER | Chercheur, Directeur de recherche, CNRS |
04 72 13 89 70 |
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BICHEREL | Pascal | NEUROPOP | Étudiant, Doctorant, UCBLyon1 |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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BIOLCHINI | Xavier | WAKING | ITA, Assistant Ingénieur, INSERM |
04 72 13 89 23 |
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BLANCHYS | Vera | CAP | Étudiante, Master 2 recherche |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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BLONDEL | Sandrine | BIP, GenCyTi | ITA, Ingénieure d'études, CNRS |
04 81 10 65 00 |
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