Women in Neurosciences, special issue


An issue published by the Wiley group which, as of January 2021, salutes Women's Rights.

It includes an article by Gaëlle LEROUX (Methodological Support for Imaging Projects, CRNL Common Service) and her colleagues: "Functional brain connectivity changes across the human life span: From fetal development to old age".

Covid-19 : the CRNL is mobilizing!

Covid-19 - Crédits photo Inserm / Camille Henry

The CRNL mobilizes against Covid-19 outbreak with new research

The CRNL teams have mobilized against Covid-19 around 4 major research themes: olfaction, sleep, mental health and pain. New studies have emerged to understand the neurobiological mechanisms of the virus but also the consequences of containment.

© Inserm / Camille Henry