Publications de TIGER
Voir le site HAL des publications de l'équipe
- Almashaikhi T, Rheims S, Jung J, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Montavont A, De Bellescize J, Arzimanoglou A, Keo Kosal P, Guenot M, Bertrand O, Ryvlin P. Functional connectivity of insular efferences. Hum Brain Mapp (2014) 35(10): 5279-5294.
- Ciumas C, Saignavongs M, Ilski F, Herbillon V, Laurent A, Lothe A, Heckemann RA, de Bellescize J, Panagiotakaki E, Hannoun S, Marinier DS, Montavont A, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Bedoin N, Ryvlin P. White matter development in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes. Brain (2014) 137(Pt 4): 1095-1106.
- Hemery C, Ryvlin P, Rheims S. Prevention of generalized tonic-clonic seizures in refractory focal epilepsy: a meta-analysis. Epilepsia (2014) 55(11): 1789-1799.
- Rheims S, Rubi S, Bouvard S, Bernard E, Streichenberger N, Guenot M, Le Bars D, Hammers A, Ryvlin P. Accuracy of distinguishing between dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors and other epileptogenic brain neoplasms with [(1)(1)C]methionine PET. Neuro Oncol (2014) 16(10): 1417-1426.
- Rosini E, Tonin F, Vasylieva N, Marinesco S, Pollegioni L. Evolution of histamine oxidase activity for biotechnological applications. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 98(2): 739-748.
- Woeffler-Maucler C, Beghin A, Ressnikoff D, Bezin L, Marinesco S. Automated immunohistochemical method to quantify neuronal density in brain sections: application to neuronal loss after status epilepticus. J Neurosci Methods (2014) 225: 32-41.
- Alexandre V, Mercedes B, Valton L, Maillard L, Bartolomei F, Szurhaj W, Hirsch E, Marchal C, Chassoux F, Petit J, Crespel A, Nica A, Navarro V, Kahane P, De Toffol B, Thomas P, Rosenberg S, Denuelle M, Jonas J, Ryvlin P, Rheims S. Risk factors of postictal generalized EEG suppression in generalized convulsive seizures. Neurology (2015) 85(18): 1598-1603.
- Boulogne S, Catenoix H, Ryvlin P, Rheims S. Long-lasting seizure-related anxiety in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and comorbid psychiatric disorders. Epileptic Disord (2015) 17(3): 340-344.
- Tholance Y, Barcelos GK, Dailler F, Renaud B, Marinesco S, Perret-Liaudet A. Biochemical neuromonitoring of poor-grade aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: comparative analysis of metabolic events detected by cerebral microdialysis and by retrograde jugular vein catheterization. Neurol Res (2015) 37(7): 578-587. [1,449]
- Vasylieva N, Marinesco S, Barbier D, Sabac A. Silicon/SU8 multi-electrode micro-needle for in vivo neurochemical monitoring. Biosens Bioelectron (2015) 72: 148-155.
- Aubert S, Bonini F, Curot J, Valton L, Szurhaj W, Derambure P, Rheims S, Ryvlin P, Wendling F, McGonigal A, Trebuchon A, Bartolomei F. The role of sub-hippocampal versus hippocampal regions in bitemporal lobe epilepsies. Clin Neurophysiol (2016) 127(9): 2992-2999.
- Morales B, Bapteste L, Lieutaud T, Ressnikoff D, Guy R, Bezin L, Marinesco S. Neuronal loss as evidenced by automated quantification of neuronal density following moderate and severe traumatic brain injury in rats. J Neurosci Res (2016) 94(1): 39-49.
- Barba C, Rheims S, Minotti L, Guenot M, Hoffmann D, Chabardes S, Isnard J, Kahane P, Ryvlin P. Temporal plus epilepsy is a major determinant of temporal lobe surgery failures. Brain (2016) 139(Pt 2): 444-451.
- Beniczky S, Neufeld M, Diehl B, Dobesberger J, Trinka E, Mameniskiene R, Rheims S, Gil-Nagel A, Craiu D, Pressler R, Krysl D, Lebedinsky A, Tassi L, Rubboli G, Ryvlin P. Testing patients during seizures: A European consensus procedure developed by a joint taskforce of the ILAE - Commission on European Affairs and the European Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Association. Epilepsia (2016) 57(9): 1363-1368.
- Boulogne S, Andre-Obadia N, Kimiskidis VK, Ryvlin P, Rheims S. Cortico-cortical and motor evoked potentials to single and paired-pulse stimuli: An exploratory transcranial magnetic and intracranial electric brain stimulation study. Hum Brain Mapp (2016) 37(11): 3767-3778.
- Bourdillon P, Isnard J, Catenoix H, Montavont A, Rheims S, Ryvlin P, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Mauguiere F, Guenot M. Stereo-electro-encephalography-Guided Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation: From In Vitro and In Vivo Data to Technical Guidelines. World Neurosurg (2016) 94: 73-79.
- Di Vito L, Mauguiere F, Catenoix H, Rheims S, Bourdillon P, Montavont A, Isnard J. Epileptic networks in patients with bitemporal epilepsy: the role of SEEG for the selection of good surgical candidates. Epilepsy Res (2016) 128: 73-82.
- Kobulashvili T, Hofler J, Dobesberger J, Ernst F, Ryvlin P, Cross JH, Braun K, Dimova P, Francione S, Hecimovic H, Helmstaedter C, Kimiskidis VK, Lossius MI, Malmgren K, Marusic P, Steinhoff BJ, Boon P, Craiu D, Delanty N, Fabo D, Gil-Nagel A, Guekht A, Hirsch E, Kalviainen R, Mameniskiene R, Ozkara C, Seeck M, Rubboli G, Krsek P, Rheims S, Trinka E. Current practices in long-term video-EEG monitoring services: A survey among partners of the E-PILEPSY pilot network of reference for refractory epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. Seizure (2016) 38: 38-45.
- Mercier C, Roche S, Gaillard S, Kassai B, Arzimanoglou A, Herbillon V, Roy P, Rheims S. Partial validation of a French version of the ADHD-rating scale IV on a French population of children with ADHD and epilepsy. Factorial structure, reliability, and responsiveness. Epilepsy Behav (2016) 58: 1-6.
- Ogier M, Bricca G, Bader M, Bezin L. Locus Coeruleus Dysfunction in Transgenic Rats with Low Brain Angiotensinogen. CNS Neurosci Ther (2016) 22(3): 230-237.
- Rheims S, Herbillon V, Villeneuve N, Auvin S, Napuri S, Cances C, Berquin P, Castelneau P, Nguyen The Tich S, Villega F, Isnard H, Nabbout R, Gaillard S, Mercier C, Kassai B, Arzimanoglou A, investigators of the Paediatric Epilepsy RN. ADHD in childhood epilepsy: Clinical determinants of severity and of the response to methylphenidate. Epilepsia (2016) 57(7): 1069-1077.
- Rheims S, Valton L, Michel V, Maillard L, Navarro V, Convers P, Bartolomei F, Biraben A, Crespel A, Derambure P, de Toffol B, Hirsch E, Kahane P, Martin ML, Tourniaire D, Boulogne S, Mercier C, Roy P, Ryvlin P, Enalepsy study group. Efficacy of naloxone in reducing postictal central respiratory dysfunction in patients with epilepsy: study protocol for a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Trials (2016) 17(1): 529.
- Zou C, Crux S, Marinesco S, Montagna E, Sgobio C, Shi Y, Shi S, Zhu K, Dorostkar MM, Muller UC, Herms J. Amyloid precursor protein maintains constitutive and adaptive plasticity of dendritic spines in adult brain by regulating D-serine homeostasis. EMBO J (2016) 35(20): 2213-2222.
- Balanca B, Meiller A, Bezin L, Dreier JP, Marinesco S, Lieutaud T. Altered hypermetabolic response to cortical spreading depolarizations after traumatic brain injury in rats. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2017) 37(5): 1670-1686.
- Bourdillon P, Isnard J, Catenoix H, Montavont A, Rheims S, Ryvlin P, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Mauguiere F, Guenot M. Stereo electroencephalography-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation (SEEG-guided RF-TC) in drug-resistant focal epilepsy: Results from a 10-year experience. Epilepsia (2017) 58(1): 85-93.
- Bourdillon P, Ryvlin P, Isnard J, Montavont A, Catenoix H, Mauguiere F, Rheims S, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Guenot M. Stereotactic Electroencephalography Is a Safe Procedure, Including for Insular Implantations. World Neurosurg (2017) 99: 353-361.
- Chouchou F, Bouet R, Pichot V, Catenoix H, Mauguiere F, Jung J. The neural bases of ictal tachycardia in temporal lobe seizures. Clin Neurophysiol (2017) 128(9): 1810-1819.
- Ciumas C, Laurent A, Saignavongs M, Ilski F, de Bellescize J, Panagiotakaki E, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Arzimanoglou A, Herbillon V, Ibarrola D, Ryvlin P. Behavioral and fMRI responses to fearful faces are altered in benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BCECTS). Epilepsia (2017) 58(10): 1716-1727.
- Hagiwara K, Jung J, Bouet R, Abdallah C, Guenot M, Garcia-Larrea L, Mauguiere F, Rheims S, Isnard J. How can we explain the frontal presentation of insular lobe epilepsy? The impact of non-linear analysis of insular seizures. Clin Neurophysiol (2017) 128(5): 780-791.
- Maillard LG, Tassi L, Bartolomei F, Catenoix H, Dubeau F, Szurhaj W, Kahane P, Nica A, Marusic P, Mindruta I, Chassoux F, Ramantani G. Stereoelectroencephalography and surgical outcome in polymicrogyria-related epilepsy: A multicentric study. Ann Neurol (2017) 82(5): 781-794.
- Marinesco S, Ungvari Z, Galvan V. Age-related impairment of metabovascular coupling during cortical spreading depolarizations. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2017) 313(6): H1209-H1212.
- Mazzola L, Royet JP, Catenoix H, Montavont A, Isnard J, Mauguiere F. Gustatory and olfactory responses to stimulation of the human insula. Ann Neurol (2017) 82(3): 360-370.
- Ogier M, Belmeguenai A, Lieutaud T, Georges B, Bouvard S, Carre E, Canini F, Bezin L. Cognitive Deficits and Inflammatory Response Resulting from Mild-to-Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats Are Exacerbated by Repeated Pre-Exposure to an Innate Stress Stimulus. J Neurotrauma (2017) 34(8): 1645-1657.
- Matarazzo V, Caccialupi L, Schaller F, Shvarev Y, Kourdougli N, Bertoni A, Menuet C, Voituron N, Deneris E, Gaspar P, Bezin L, Durbec P, Hilaire G, Muscatelli F. Necdin shapes serotonergic development and SERT activity modulating breathing in a mouse model for Prader-Willi syndrome. Elife. 2017 Oct 31;6
- Pizzo F, Roehri N, Catenoix H, Medina S, McGonigal A, Giusiano B, Carron R, Scavarda D, Ostrowsky K, Lepine A, Boulogne S, Scholly J, Hirsch E, Rheims S, Benar CG, Bartolomei F. Epileptogenic networks in nodular heterotopia: A stereoelectroencephalography study. Epilepsia (2017) 58(12): 2112-2123.
- Saignavongs M, Ciumas C, Petton M, Bouet R, Boulogne S, Rheims S, Carmichael DW, Lachaux JP, Ryvlin P. Neural Activity Elicited by a Cognitive Task can be Detected in Single-Trials with Simultaneous Intracerebral EEG-fMRI Recordings. Int J Neural Syst (2017) 27(1): 1750001.
- Tholance Y, Barcelos GK, Perret-Liaudet A, Omar E, Carrillon R, Grousson S, Lieutaud T, Dailler F, Marinesco S. Placing intracerebral probes to optimise detection of delayed cerebral ischemia and allow for the prediction of patient outcome in aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 37(8): 2820-2832.
- Yankam Njiwa J, Costes N, Bouillot C, Bouvard S, Fieux S, Becker G, Levigoureux E, Kocevar G, Stamile C, Langlois JB, Bolbos R, Bonnet C, Bezin L, Zimmer L, Hammers A. Quantitative longitudinal imaging of activated microglia as a marker of inflammation in the pilocarpine rat model of epilepsy using [(11)C]-( R)-PK11195 PET and MRI. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2017) 37(4): 1251-1263.
- Balanca B, Dailler F, Boulogne S, Ritzenthaler T, Gobert F, Rheims S, Andre-Obadia N. Diagnostic accuracy of quantitative EEG to detect delayed cerebral ischemia after subarachnoid hemorrhage: A preliminary study. Clin Neurophysiol (2018) 129(9): 1926-1936.
- Baud MO, Perneger T, Racz A, Pensel MC, Elger C, Rydenhag B, Malmgren K, Cross JH, McKenna G, Tisdall M, Lamberink HJ, Rheims S, Ryvlin P, Isnard J, Mauguiere F, Arzimanoglou A, Akkol S, Deniz K, Ozkara C, Lossius M, Rektor I, Kalviainen R, Vanhatalo LM, Dimova P, Minkin K, Staack AM, Steinhoff BJ, Kalina A, Krsek P, Marusic P, Jordan Z, Fabo D, Carrette E, Boon P, Rocka S, Mameniskiene R, Vulliemoz S, Pittau F, Braun KPJ, Seeck M. European trends in epilepsy surgery. Neurology (2018) 91(2): e96-e106.
- Bourdillon P, Cucherat M, Isnard J, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Catenoix H, Guenot M, Rheims S. Stereo-electroencephalography-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation in patients with focal epilepsy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Epilepsia (2018)
- Catenoix H, Feutrier C, Taffin F, Peverelli R, Rodot M, Robinson P, Andre-Obadia N. Epilepsy surgery: A therapeutic patient education program. Rev Neurol (Paris) (2018) 174(10): 726-730.
- Chassoux F, Navarro V, Catenoix H, Valton L, Vignal JP. Planning and management of SEEG. Neurophysiol Clin (2018) 48(1): 25-37.
- Chatard C, Meiller A, Marinesco S. Microelectrode Biosensors for in vivo Analysis of Brain Interstitial Fluid. Electroanalysis (2018) 30(6): 977-998.
- Chauvel P, Rheims S, McGonigal A, Kahane P. French guidelines on stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG): Editorial comment. Neurophysiol Clin (2018) 48(1): 1-3.
- Favier M, Joubert B, Picard G, Rogemond V, Thomas L, Rheims S, Bailhache M, Villega F, Pedespan JM, Berzero G, Psimaras D, Antoine JC, Desestret V, Honnorat J. Initial clinical presentation of young children with N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis. Eur J Paediatr Neurol (2018) 22(3): 404-411.
- Isnard J, Taussig D, Bartolomei F, Bourdillon P, Catenoix H, Chassoux F, Chipaux M, Clemenceau S, Colnat-Coulbois S, Denuelle M, Derrey S, Devaux B, Dorfmuller G, Gilard V, Guenot M, Job-Chapron AS, Landre E, Lebas A, Maillard L, McGonigal A, Minotti L, Montavont A, Navarro V, Nica A, Reyns N, Scholly J, Sol JC, Szurhaj W, Trebuchon A, Tyvaert L, Valenti-Hirsch MP, Valton L, Vignal JP, Sauleau P. French guidelines on stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG). Neurophysiol Clin (2018) 48(1): 5-13.
- Kuzovkin I, Vicente R, Petton M, Lachaux JP, Baciu M, Kahane P, Rheims S, Vidal JR, Aru J. Activations of deep convolutional neural networks are aligned with gamma band activity of human visual cortex. Commun Biol (2018) 1: 107.
- Moles A, Guenot M, Rheims S, Berthiller J, Catenoix H, Montavont A, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Boulogne S, Isnard J, Bourdillon P. SEEG-guided radiofrequency coagulation (SEEG-guided RF-TC) versus anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) in temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neurol (2018) 265(9): 1998-2004.
- Rohracher A, Zimmermann G, Villanueva V, Garamendi I, Sander JW, Wehner T, Shankar R, Ben-Menachem E, Brodie MJ, Pensel MC, Di Gennaro G, Maurousset A, Strzelczyk A, Rheims S, Racz A, Menzler K, Bertol-Alegre V, Garcia-Morales I, Lopez-Gonzalez FJ, Toledo M, Carpenter KJ, Trinka E. Perampanel in routine clinical use across Europe: Pooled, multicenter, observational data. Epilepsia (2018) 59(9): 1727-1739.
- Souci S, Petton M, Jung J, Bourdillon P, Bouet R, Richard-Mornas A, Streichenberger N, Catenoix H, Montavont A, Isnard J, Guenot M, Kahane P, Lachaux JP, Rheims S. Task-induced gamma band effect in type II focal cortical dysplasia: An exploratory study. Epilepsy Behav (2018) 85: 76-84.
- Trebaul L, Deman P, Tuyisenge V, Jedynak M, Hugues E, Rudrauf D, Bhattacharjee M, Tadel F, Chanteloup-Foret B, Saubat C, Reyes Mejia GC, Adam C, Nica A, Pail M, Dubeau F, Rheims S, Trebuchon A, Wang H, Liu S, Blauwblomme T, Garces M, De Palma L, Valentin A, Metsahonkala EL, Petrescu AM, Landre E, Szurhaj W, Hirsch E, Valton L, Rocamora R, Schulze-Bonhage A, Mindruta I, Francione S, Maillard L, Taussig D, Kahane P, David O. Probabilistic functional tractography of the human cortex revisited. Neuroimage (2018) 181: 414-429.
- Tuyisenge V, Trebaul L, Bhattacharjee M, Chanteloup-Foret B, Saubat-Guigui C, Mindruta I, Rheims S, Maillard L, Kahane P, Taussig D, David O. Automatic bad channel detection in intracranial electroencephalographic recordings using ensemble machine learning. Clin Neurophysiol (2018) 129(3): 548-554.
- Camfield PR, Andrade D, Camfield CS, Carrizosa-Moog J, Appleton R, Baulac M, Brown L, Menachem EB, Cross H, Desguerre I, Grant C, Hosny H, Jurasek L, Mula M, Pfafflin M, Rheims S, Ring H, Shellhaas RA, Vinayan KP, Wirrell E, Nabbout R. How can transition to adult care be best orchestrated for adolescents with epilepsy? Epilepsy Behav (2019) 92(3):e183-e193.
- Marchi A, Giusiano B, King M, Lagarde S, Trebuchon-Dafonseca A, Bernard C, Rheims S, Bartolomei F, McGonigal A. Postictal electroencephalographic (EEG) suppression: A stereo-EEG study of 100 focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures. Epilepsia (2019) 60(1): 63-73.
- Chouchou F, Mauguière F, Vallayer O, Catenoix H, Isnard J, Montavont A, JunJ, Pichot V, Rheims S, Mazzola L. How the insula speaks to the heart: Cardiac responses to insular stimulation in humans. Hum Brain Mapp. 2019 40(9):2611-2622.
- Doherty CP, Rheims S, Assenza G, Boero G, Chaves J, McMurray R, Villanueva V. Eslicarbazepine acetate in epilepsy patients with psychiatric comorbidities and intellectual disability: Clinical practice findings from the Euro-Esli study. J Neurol Sci. (2019) 402:88-99.
- Rheims S, Alvarez BM, Alexandre V, Curot J, Maillard L, Bartolomei F, Derambure P, Hirsch E, Michel V, Chassoux F, Tourniaire D, Crespel A, Biraben A, Navarro V, Kahane P, De Toffol B, Thomas P, Rosenberg S, Valton L, Bezin L, Ryvlin P, REPO2MSE SG (2019) Hypoxemia following generalized convulsive seizures: Risk factors and effect of oxygen therapy. Neurology 92: e183-e193.
In press
- Marchi A, Giusiano B, King M, Lagarde S, Trebuchon-Dafonseca A, Bernard C, Rheims S, Bartolomei F, McGonigal A. Postictal stereo-EEG changes following bilateral tonic-clonic seizures. Epilepsia (2019) In press.
- Dmytriyeva O, Belmeguenaï A, Bezin L, Soud K, Woldbye DP, Gotzsche CR, Pankratova S. Short erythoproietin-derived peptide enhances memory, improves long-term potentiation, and counteracts amyloid beta-induced pathology. Neurobiol. Ageing (2019). In press.