Publications de TRAJECTOIRES
Voir le site HAL des publications de l'équipe
1. Charafeddine, R., Triniol, B., Ogier, M., Foncelle, A., Epinat, J., & Van der Henst, J-B (2021). Do preschoolers align their preferences with those of a powerful individual? Frontiers in Education, 5:607096. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2020.607096
2. Verfaille C, Filbrich L, Rossetti Y, Berquin A, Mouraux D,BarbierO,Libouton,X.Fraselle, V.Legrain, V. Visuomotor impairments in complex regional pain syndrome during pointing tasks. Pain. 2021;162(3):811-22.
3. Vialatte A, Yeshurun Y, Khan AZ, Rosenholtz R, Pisella L.Superior Parietal Lobule: A Role in Relative Localization of Multiple Different Elements. Cereb Cortex. 2021 Jan 1;31(1):658-671. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa250. PMID: 32959044
1. Bonnetain MF, Rougeot-Jung C, Sarret C, Lion-Francois L, Revol O, Peyric E, VelazquezDominguez, J.Miret, A.Rossi, M.Massoud, M.Laurichesse-Delmas, H.Guibaud, L. Des Portes, V. Normal intellectual skills in patients with Rhombencephalosynapsis. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2020;29:92-100.
2. Des Portes V. Intellectual disability. Handb Clin Neurol. 2020;174:113-26.
3. Fiveash A, Bedoin N, Lalitte P, Tillmann B. Rhythmic priming of grammaticality judgments in children: Duration matters J Exp Child Psychol.197.
4. Hole J, Reilly KT, Nash S, Rode G. Caloric Vestibular Stimulation Reduces the DirectionalBias in Representational Neglect. Brain Sci. 2020;10(6).
5. Panico F, Rossetti Y, Trojano L. On the mechanisms underlying Prism Adaptation: A review of neuro-imaging and neuro-stimulation studies. Cortex. 2020;123:57-71.
6. Pisella L, Vialatte A, Martel M, Prost-Lefebvre M, Caton MC, Stalder M, Yssad R, Roy AC, Vuillerot C, Gonzalez-Monge S. Elementary visuospatial perception deficit in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2020 Dec 11. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.14743. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33314050
7. Pisella L, Martel M, Roy AC, Vuillerot C, Gonzalez-Monge S. Validation of a simple screening test for elementary visuo-spatial perception deficit. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2020 Jul;63(4):302-308. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2019 Apr 19. PMID: 31009800
8. Prablanc C, Panico F, Fleury L, Pisella L, Nijboer T, Kitazawa S, Rossetti Y. Adapting terminology: clarifying prism adaptation vocabulary, concepts, and methods. Neurosci Res. 2020 Apr;153:8-21. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2019.03.003. Epub 2019 Mar 22. PMID: 30910735 Review.
9. Priot AE, Revol P, Sillan O, Prablanc C, Gaveau V. Sensory Prediction of Limb Movement Is Critical for Automatic Online Control. Front Hum Neurosci. 2020;14:549537.
10. Quesque F, Foncelle A, Chabanat E, Jacquin-Courtois S, Rossetti Y. Take a Seat and Get Into Its Shoes! When Humans Spontaneously Represent Visual Scenes From the Point of View of Inanimate Objects. Perception. 2020;49(12):1333-47.
11. Revol P, Touil N, Have L, Rode G, Jacquin-Courtois S, Rossetti Y. Prisms adaptation improves haptic object discrimination in hemispatial neglect. Cortex. 2020;123:152-61.
12. Schintu S, Chaumillon R, Guillaume A, Salemme R, Reilly KT, Pisella L, Farnè A. Eye dominance modulates visuospatial attention. Neuropsychologia. 2020 Apr;141:107314. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.107314. Epub 2019 Dec 21. PMID: 31870684
1. Abbassi LM, Laurans M, Gasnier A, Smulevici A, Tournat H, Bibault JE, Huertas, A.Jouglar, E.Suissa, A.Kreps, S.Giraud, P.Durdux, C. [Stereotactic body radiotherapy: Prospective study to evaluate asthenia and quality of life]. Cancer Radiother. 2019;23(4):316-21.
2. Atallah A, Guibaud L, Gaucherand P, Massardier J, des Portes V, Massoud M. Fetal and perinatal outcome associated with small cerebellar diameter based on second- or third-trimester ultrasonography. Prenat Diagn. 2019;39(7):536-43.
3. Bahi-Buisson N, Poirier K, Fourniol F, Saillour Y, Valence S, Lebrun N, Hully, M.Bianco, C. F.Boddaert, N.Elie, C.Lascelles, K.Souville, I.L. IS-Tubulinopathies ConsortiumBeldjord, C.Chelly, J.. The wide spectrum of tubulinopathies: what are the key features for the diagnosis? Brain. 2014;137(Pt 6):1676-700.
4. Baumard J, Etcharry-Bouyx F, Chauvire V, Boussard D, Lesourd M, Remigereau C,. Effect of object substitution, spontaneous compensation and repetitive training on reaching movements in a patient with optic ataxia. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2019:1-28.
5. Berry-Kravis EM, Lindemann L, Jonch AE, Apostol G, Bear MF, Carpenter RL, Crawley, J. N.Curie, A.Des Portes, V.Hossain, F.Gasparini, F.Gomez-Mancilla, B.Hessl, D.Loth, E.Scharf, S. H.Wang, P. P.Von Raison,F.Hagerman, R.Spooren, W.Jacquemont, S.. Drug development for neurodevelopmental disorders: lessons learned from fragile X syndrome. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2018;17(4):280-99.
6. Breton A, Ligneul R, Jerbi K, George N, Baudouin JY, Van der Henst JB. How occupational status influences the processing of faces: An EEG study. Neuropsychologia. 2019;122:125-35.
7. Chabanat E, Jacquin-Courtois S, Have L, Kihoulou C, Tilikete C, Mauguiere F, Rheims, S. Rossetti, Y. Can you guess the colour of this moving object? A dissociation between colour and motion in blindsight. Neuropsychologia. 2019;128:204-8.
8. Charafeddine R, Yamada, T., Matsui, T., Sudo, M., Germain, P., Bernard, S., Castelain, T., Mercier, H .,Van der Henst, J-B Cross-cultural Differences in the Valuing of Dominance by Young Children. Journal of Cognition and Culture. 2019.
9. Charvolin L, Guinet-Lacoste A, Waz D, Godmer M, Rode G. [Results and compliance of transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation on overactive bladder syndrome in patients with Parkinson's disease. Retrospective Study.]. Prog Urol. 2019;29(7):378-84.
10. Chavatte JM, Giraud P, Esperet D, Place G, Cavalier F, Landau I. An outbreak of trichomonosis in European greenfinches Chloris chloris and European goldfinches Carduelis carduelis wintering in Northern France. Parasite. 2019;26:21.
11. Clement-Zhao A, Luu M, Bibault JE, Daveau C, Kreps S, Jaulmes H, Dessard-Diana, B.Housset, M.Giraud, P.Durdux, C. Effective delivery of palliative radiotherapy: A prospective study. Cancer Radiother. 2019;23(5):365-9.
12. Cloitre A, Duval X, Tubiana S, Giraud P, Veyrac G, Nosbaum A, Gouraud, A.Mahe, J.Lesclous, P. Antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of infective endocarditis for dental procedures is not associated with fatal adverse drug reactions in France. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2019;24(3):e296-e304.
13. Cogne M, Guillaud E, Guillot L, Klinger E, Glize B, Jacquin-Courtois S, Cazalets, J. R.Joseph, P. A. Association between prism adaptation and auditory cues on spatial navigation in individuals with unilateral neglect. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2019.
14. Cogné M, Guillaud E, Guillot L, Klinger E, Glize B, Jacquin-Courtois S, Cazalets, Jean-René Joseph, Pierre-Alain Association between prism adaptation and auditory cues on spatial navigation in individuals with unilateral neglect. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2019.
15. Curie A, Brun A, Cheylus A, Reboul A, Nazir T, Bussy G,. A Novel Analog Reasoning Paradigm: New Insights in Intellectually Disabled Patients. PLoS One. 2016;11(2):e0149717.
16. Curie A, Friocourt G, des Portes V, Roy A, Nazir T, Brun A, Cheylus, A. Marcorelles, P.Retzepi, K.Maleki, N.Bussy, G.Paulignan, Y.Reboul, A.Ibarrola, D.Kong, J.Hadjikhani, N.Laquerriere, A. Gollub, R. L. l. Basal ganglia involvement in ARX patients: The reason for ARX patients very specific grasping? Neuroimage Clin. 2018;19:454-65.
17. Curie A, Lesca G, Bussy G, Manificat S, Arnaud V, Gonzalez S, Revol, O.Calender, A.Gerard, D.des Portes, V. Asperger syndrome and early-onset schizophrenia associated with a novel MECP2 deleterious missense variant. Psychiatr Genet. 2017;27(3):105-9.
18. Curie A, Nazir T, Brun A, Paulignan Y, Reboul A, Delange K, Cheylus, A.Bertrand, S.Rochefort, F.Bussy, G.Marignier, S.Lacombe, D.Chiron, C.Cossee, M.Leheup, B.Philippe, C.Laugel, V.De Saint Martin, A. Sacco, S.Poirier, K.Bienvenu, TSouville, I.Gilbert Dussardier, B.Bieth, E.Kauffmann, D.Briot, Freminville, B.Prieur, F.Till, M.Rooryck Thambo,C. Mortemousque, I. Bobillier Chaumont, I.Toutain, A.Touraine, R.Sanlaville, D.Chelly, J.Freeman, S.Kong, JHadjikhani, N.Gollub, R. L.Roy, A.des Portes, V.. The c.429_452 duplication of the ARX gene: a unique developmental-model of limb kinetic apraxia. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014;9:25.
19. Curie A, Yang K, Kirsch I, Gollub RL, des Portes V, Kaptchuk TJ, Jensen, K. B. Placebo Responses in Genetically Determined Intellectual Disability: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS One. 2015;10(7):e0133316.
20. Danckert J, Tamietto M, Rossetti Y. Blindsight. Cortex. 2019.
21. des Portes V, Rolland A, Velazquez-Dominguez J, Peyric E, Cordier MP, Gaucherand P, et al. Outcome of isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum: A population-based prospective study. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2018;22(1):82-92.
22. Di Marco J, Lunven M, Revol P, Christophe L, Jacquin-Courtois S, Vallar G Rode, G. Regression of left hyperschematia after prism adaptation: A single case study. Cortex. 2019;119:128-40.
23. Dion J, Malphettes M, Benejat L, Megraud F, Wargnier A, Boutboul D, et al. Campylobacter infection in adult patients with primary antibody deficiency. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2019;7(3):1038-41 e4.
24. Dumon C, Pisella L, Diabira D, Belaidouni Y, Wayman GA, Gaiarsa JL. Developmental Switch of Leptin Action on Network Driven Activity in the Neonatal Rat Hippocampus. Front Cell Neurosci. 2019;13:254.
25. Dupuy L, Stateva P, Andreetta S, Cheylus A, Déprez V, van der Henst J-B, Jayez,Jacques Stepanov,ArthurReboul, Anne Pragmatic abilities in bilinguals. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. 2019;9(2):314-40.
26. Facchin A, Folegatti A, Rossetti Y, Farne A. The half of the story we did not know about prism adaptation. Cortex. 2019;119:141-57.
27. Fleury L, Prablanc C, Priot AE. Do prism and other adaptation paradigms really measure the same processes? Cortex. 2019;119:480-96.
28. François Oisurak ML, Yves Rossetti, Josselin Baumard. Is There Really a Loss of Agency in Patients With Apraxia of Tool Use? frontiers in Psychology. 2019.
29. Germanaud D, Lefevre J, Fischer C, Bintner M, Curie A, des Portes V, Simplified gyral pattern in severe developmental microcephalies? New insights from allometric modeling for spatial and spectral analysis of gyrification. Neuroimage. 2014;102 Pt 2:317-31.
30. Giraud P Durdux, C.Huguet, F.Burgun, A.Bibault, J. E., Gasnier A, El Ayachy R, Kreps S, Foy JP,. Radiomics and Machine Learning for Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancers. Front Oncol. 2019;9:174.
31. Giraud P, Kreps S, Tournat H, Bibault JE, Fabiano E, Feutren T, Dautruche, A.Durdux, C. [Stereotactic pulmonary radiotherapy: Which machine?]. Cancer Radiother. 2019.
32. Giraud P, Tournat H, Kreps S, Bibault JE, Dautruche A, Fabiano E, et al. [Stereotactic body radiotherapy of oligometastases: Main pending trials and to come in France]. Cancer Radiother. 2019.
33. Gobert F, Luaute J, Raverot V, Cotton F, Dailler F, Claustrat B, Perrin, F. Gronfier, C. Is circadian rhythmicity a prerequisite to coma recovery? Circadian recovery concomitant to cognitive improvement in two comatose patients. J Pineal Res. 2019;66(3):e12555.
34. Godmer M, Guinet-Lacoste A, Charvier K, Luaute J, Rode G, Soler JM, Hadiji, N. [Is there any obstruction other than prostatic obstruction in Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease?]. Prog Urol. 2019.
35. Guilloton L, Camdessanche JP, Latombe D, Neuschwander P, Cantalloube S, Thomas-Anterion C, et al. A clinical screening tool for objective and subjective cognitive disorders in multiple sclerosis. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2019.
36. Hedrick M, Thornton KET, Yeager K, Plyler P, Johnstone P, Reilly K, Springer, C. The Use of Static and Dynamic Cues for Vowel Identification by Children Wearing Hearing Aids or Cochlear Implants. Ear Hear. 2019.
37. Hubert A, Curie A, Sabatier I, Poulat AL, Carneiro M, Chabrier S. [Transient ischemic attack: as well a paediatric emergency]. Presse Med. 2015;44(2):249-51.
38. Hugues A, Di Marco J, Ribault S, Ardaillon H, Janiaud P, Xue Y, Zhu, J.Pires, JKhademi, H.Rubio, L. Hernandez Bernal, P.Bahar, Y.Charvat, H.Szulc, P.Ciumas, C.Won, H.Cucherat, M.Bonan, I.Gueyffier, F.Rode, G. Limited evidence of physical therapy on balance after stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoSOne.2019;14(8):e0221700.
39. Jensen KB, Kirsch I, Ponten M, Rosen A, Yang K, Gollub RL,. Certainty of genuine treatment increases drug responses among intellectually disabled patients. Neurology. 2017;88(20):1912-8.
40. Kuchenbuch M, Barcia G, Chemaly N, Carme E, Roubertie A, Gibaud M, Van Bogaert, Saint Martin, A.Hirsch, EDubois, F.Sarret, C.Nguyen The Tich, S.Laroche, C.des Portes, V.Billette de Villemeur, T.Barthez, M. A.Auvin, S.Bahi-Buisson, N.Desguerre, I.Kaminska, A.Benquet, P.Nabbout, R. KCNT1 epilepsy with migrating focal seizures shows a temporal sequence with poor outcome, high mortality and SUDEP. Brain. 2019.
41. Laccourreye O, Marret G, Giraud P. A vicious enemy in head and neck oncology: Delay! Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2019;136(2):61-2.
42. Lunven M, R, G, B, C,, Duret C, Migliaccio; R, Chevrillon E, Moreau, K, De Schotten, M, Bartolomeo, P. Anatomical predictors of recovery from visual neglect after prism adaptation therapy. Cortex. 2019:S0010-9452(18)30413-1.
45. Mateo S, Di Marco J, Cucherat M, Gueyffier F, Rode G. Inconclusive efficacy of intervention on upper-limb function after tetraplegia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2019.
46. Menoret M, Varnet L, Fargier R, Cheylus A, Curie A, des Portes V. Neural correlates of non-verbal social interactions: a dual-EEG study. Neuropsychologia. 2014;55:85-97.
47. Metzger A, Pisella L, Vighetto A, Joubert B, Honnorat J, Tilikete C, Desestret, V. Balint syndrome in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2019;6(1):e532.
48. Pak S, Jang AR, Lee J, Hong J, Giraud P, Lee S, Shin, H. S.Morris, S. M.Cha, S.Sohn, J. I.Kim, J. M. Surface functionalization-induced photoresponse characteristics of monolayer MoS2 for fast flexible photodetectors. Nanoscale. 2019;11(11):4726-34.
49. Panico F, Ben-Romdhane M, Jacquesson T, Nash S, Cotton F, Luaute J. Could non-invasive brain stimulation help treat dysarthria? A single-case study. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2019.
50. Pflumio C, Troussier I, Sun XS, Salleron J, Petit C, Caubet M, et al. Unilateral or bilateral irradiation in cervical lymph node metastases of unknown primary? A retrospective cohort study. Eur J Cancer. 2019;111:69-81.
51. Pisella L, Have L, Rossetti Y. Body awareness disorders: dissociations between body-related visual and somatosensory information. Brain. 2019;142(8):2170-3.
52. Rossetti Y, Pisella L, McIntosh RD. Definition: Optic ataxia. Cortex. 2019 Dec;121:481. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2019.09.004. Epub 2019 Sep 26. PMID: 31668647
53. Remerand G, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Tonduti D, Touraine R, Rodriguez D, Curie A, Perreton, N. Des Portes, V.Sarret, C.Rmlx Ahds Study Group. Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome in patients with SLC16A2 mutations. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2019.
54. Revol P, Collette S, Boulot Z, Foncelle A, Niki C, Thura D, Imai, A.Jacquin-Courtois, S. Cabanac, M.Osiurak, F.Rossetti, Y.. Thirst for Intention? Grasping a Glass Is a Thirst-Controlled Action. Front Psychol. 2019;10:1248.
55. Riquier D, Basch A, Jacquin-Courtois S, Cotton F, Rode G. L5-S1 Charcot spine induced by diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis in chronic tetraplegia: 2 cases. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2019;62(2):132-4.
56. Rossetti Y, Kitazawa, S., Nijboer T. Prism adaptation: From rehabilitation to neural bases, and back. ScienceDirect 2019.
57. Ta MH, Schernberg A, Giraud P, Monnier L, Darai E, Bendifallah S, Schlienger, M.Touboul, E. Orthuon, A.Challand, T.Huguet, F.Rivin Del Campo, E. Comparison of 3D conformal radiation therapy and intensity-modulated radiation therapy in patients with endometrial cancer: efficacy, safety and prognostic analysis. Acta Oncol. 2019;58(8):1127-34.
58. Valdois S, Lassus-Sangosse D, Lallier M, Moreaud O, Pisella L. What bilateral damage of the superior parietal lobes tells us about visual attention disorders in developmental dyslexia. Neuropsychologia. 2019;130:78-91.
59. Vignaud P, Reilly KT, Donde C, Haesebaert F, Brunelin J. Clinical Effects of Mindfulness-Based Intervention in Patients With First Episode Psychosis and in Individuals With Ultra-High Risk for Transition to Psychosis: A Review. Front Psychiatry. 2019;10:797.
60. Wang V, Fort E, Beaudoin-Gobert M, Ndiaye A, Fischer C, Bergeret A, Charbotel, B. Luaute, J. Indicators of long-term return to work after severe traumatic brain injury: A cohort study. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2019;62(1):28-34.
61. Yong-Sang J, Dioury F, Meneyrol V, Ait-Arsa I, Idoumbin JP, Guibbal F, Patche, J.Gimie,F.Khantalin, I.Couprie, J.Giraud, P.Benard, S.Ferroud, C.Jestin, E.Meilhac, O. Development, synthesis, and (68)Ga-Labeling of a Lipophilic complexing agent for atherosclerosis PET imaging. Eur J Med Chem. 2019;176:129-34.
62. Youssouf L, Bhaw-Luximon A, Diotel N, Catan A, Giraud P, Gimie F, Patche, J. Khantalin, I.Couprie, J.Giraud, P.Benard, S.Ferroud, C.Jestin, E.Meilhac, O. Enhanced effects of curcumin encapsulated in polycaprolactone-grafted oligocarrageenan nanomicelles, a novel nanoparticle drug delivery system. Carbohydr Polym. 2019;217:35-45.
1. Bartolo A, Rossetti Y, Revol P, Urquizar C, Pisella L, Coello Y. Reachability judgement in optic ataxia: Effect of peripheral vision on hand and target perception in depth. Cortex. 2018;98:102-13.
2. Bergeron V, Ghislain J, Vivot K, Tamarina N, Philipson LH, Fielitz J, Poitout, V. Deletion of Protein Kinase D1 in Pancreatic beta-Cells Impairs Insulin Secretion in High-Fat Diet-Fed Mice. Diabetes. 2018;67(1):71-7.
3. Berry-Kravis EM, Lindemann L, Jonch AE, Apostol G, Bear MF, Carpenter RL, Crawley, J. N.Curie, A.Des Portes, V.Hossain, F.Gasparini, F.Gomez-Mancilla, B.Hessl, D.Loth, E.Scharf, S. H.Wang, P. P.Von Raison, F.Hagerman, R. Spooren, W.Jacquemont, S.. Drug development for neurodevelopmental disorders: lessons learned from fragile X syndrome. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2018;17(4):280-99.
4. Chabanat E, Jacquin-Courtois S, Have L, Kihoulou C, Tilikete C, Mauguiere F, Rheims, S.Rossetti,Y. l Can you guess the colour of this moving object? A dissociation between colour and motion in blindsight. Neuropsychologia. 2018.
5. Charafeddine R, Billamboz C, N, I, . Van der Henst J-B. Preschoolers’ social preferences in a social dominance context. College Publications. 2018:pp 247-62.
6. Cui Y, Yang Y, Ni Z, Dong Y, Cai G, Foncelle A, Ma, S.Sang, K.Tang, S.Li, Y.Shen, Y.Berry,H.Wu,S.Hu,H.AstroglialKir4.1inthelateralhabenuladrivesneuronalburstsindepression.Nature.2018;554(7692):3237.
7. Curie A, Friocourt G, des Portes V, Roy A, Nazir T, Brun A, et al. Basal ganglia involvement in ARX patients: The reason for ARX patients very specific grasping? Neuroimage Clin. 2018;19:454-65.
8. des Portes V, Rolland A, Velazquez-Dominguez J, Peyric E, Cordier MP, Gaucherand P, et al. Outcome of isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum: A population-based prospective study. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2018;22(1):82-92.
9. Dupuy L Stateva, P., Andreetta, S., Cheylus, A., Déprez, V., Van der Henst, J-B., Jayez, J., Stepanov, A. Reboul, A.,Pragmatic abilities in bilinguals: The case of scalar implicatures. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. 2018.
10. Faye A, Jacquin-Courtois S, Osiurak F. Tool use in left-brain-damaged patients: Difficulties in reasoning but not in estimating the physical properties of objects. Neuropsychology. 2018;32(3):249-58.
11. Foncelle A, Mendes A, Jedrzejewska-Szmek J, Valtcheva S, Berry H, Blackwell KT, Venance, L. Modulation of Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity: Towards the Inclusion of a Third Factor in Computational Models. Front Comput Neurosci. 2018;12:49.
12. Gobert F DF, Fischer C, André-Obadia N, Luauté J. Proving cortical death after vascular coma: Evoked potentials, EEG and neuroimaging. Clin Neurophysiol. 2018:129(6):1105-16.
13. Jeyachandra J, Nam Y, Kim Y, Blohm G, Khan AZ. Transsaccadic memory of multiple spatially variant and invariant object features. J Vis. 2018;18(1):6.
14. Luaute J, Dubois A, Heine L, Guironnet C, Juliat A, Gaveau V, Tillmann, B.Perrin, F. Electrodermal reactivity to emotional stimuli in healthy subjects and patients with disorders of consciousness. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2018.
15. Luaute J, Villeneuve L, Roux A, Nash S, Bar JY, Chabanat E, Cotton, F.Ciancia, S.Sancho, P. O.Hovantruc, P.Quelard, F.Sarraf, T.Cojan, Y.Hadj-Bouziane, F.Farne, A.Janoly-Dumenil,A.Boisson,D.JacquinCourtois, S.Rode, G.Rossetti, Y.. Adding methylphenidate to prism-adaptation improves outcome in neglect patients. A randomized clinical trial. Cortex. 2018;106:288-98.
16. Malienko A, Harrar V, Khan AZ. Contrasting effects of exogenous cueing on saccades and reaches. J Vis. 2018;18(9):4.
17. Martin-Arevalo E, Schintu S, Farne A, Pisella L, Reilly KT. Adaptation to Leftward Shifting Prisms Alters Motor Interhemispheric Inhibition. Cereb Cortex. 2018;28(2):528-37.
18. Mikula L, Gaveau V, Pisella L, Khan AZ, Blohm G. Learned rather than online relative weighting of visual-proprioceptive sensory cues. J Neurophysiol. 2018;119(5):1981-92.
19. Mikula L, Sahnoun S, Pisella L, Blohm G, Khan AZ. Vibrotactile information improves proprioceptive reaching target localization. PLoS One. 2018;13(7):e0199627.
20. Mikula L JM, Tran T, Pisella L, Khan AZ. Spatial and temporal dynamics of presaccadic attentional facilitation before pro- and antisaccades. J Vis. 2018.
21. Morard MD, Gonzalez-Monge S, Rippert P, Roche S, Bernard JC, Lagauche D, Delvert, C.Luaute, J.Jacquin-Courtois, S.Caillet, F.Di Marco, J.Ghelfi, F.Otmani, S.Calmels, P.Royet, M.Joseph, P. A.Ecochard, R.Rode, G. Vuillerot, C.S. A. S. study group Construction and feasibility study of the SOFMER Activity Score (SAS), a new assessment of physical and cognitive activity. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2018;61(5):315-22.
22. Ojardias E, Azé O, F C, LD, Mednieks J, Condemine A, et al. The effects of anodal tDCS on the walking performance of chronic hemiplegic patients. 2018.
23. Osiurak F, Lesourd M, Delporte L, Rossetti Y. Tool Use and Generalized Motor Programs: We All Are Natural Born Poly-Dexters. Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):10429.
24. Panico F, Sagliano L, Nozzolillo C, Trojano L, Rossetti Y. Cerebellar contribution to spatial realignment: A tDCS study during multiple-step prism adaptation. Neuropsychologia. 2018;112:58-65.
25. Perennou D, Thevenon A, Rannou F, Azouvi P, Coudeyre E, Amarenco G, Casillas, J. M.Nadeau, S.Laffont, I.Remy-Neris, O.Yelnik, A.Joseph, P. A.Rode, G. An impact factor for the 60 candles of the Annals. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2018;61(1):1-4.
26. Popovic-Maneski L, Aleksic A, Metani A, Bergeron V, Cobeljic R, Popovic DB. Assessment of Spasticity by a Pendulum Test in SCI Patients Who Exercise FES Cycling or Receive Only Conventional Therapy. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2018;26(1):181-7.
27. Priot A-E, Vacher A, Vienne C, Neveu P, Roumes C. The initial effects of hyperstereopsis on visual perception in helicopter pilots flying with see-through helmet-mounted displays. Displays. 2018;51:1-8.
28. Quesque F, Chabanat E, Rossetti Y. Taking the point of view of the blind: Spontaneous level-2 perspective-taking in irrelevant condition. . Journal of experimental social psychology. 2018.
29. Riquier D, Basch A, Jacquin-Courtois S, Cotton F, Rode G. L5-S1 Charcot spine induced by diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis in chronic tetraplegia: 2 cases. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2018.
30. Rode G, Pagliari C, Huchon L, Rossetti Y, Pisella L. Semiology of neglect: An update. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2017;60(3):177-85.
31. Rode G, Vallar G, Chabanat E, Revol P, Rossetti Y. What Do Spatial Distortions in Patients' Drawing After Right Brain Damage Teach Us About Space Representation in Art? Front Psychol. 2018;9:1058.
32. Rode G RYTpPDPJ, Padua LMichel CLi L,Li J. White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) in Europe. Chapter 6. Knowledge and skills of PRM physicians. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2018:54(2):214-29.
35. Vienne C, Plantier J, Neveu P, Priot AE. (Disparity-Driven) Accommodation Response Contributes to Perceived Depth. Front Neurosci. 2018;12:973.
36. Wang V, Fort E, Beaudoin-Gobert M, Ndiaye A, Fischer C, Bergeret A, Charbotel, B.Luaute, J. Indicators of long-term return to work after severe traumatic brain injury: a cohort study. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2018.
1. Azouvi P, Jacquin-Courtois S, Luaute J. Rehabilitation of unilateral neglect: Evidence-based medicine. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2017;60(3):191-7.
2. Bultitude JH, Farne A, Salemme R, Ibarrola D, Urquizar C, O'Shea J, Studying the neural bases of prism adaptation using fMRI: A technical and design challenge. Behav Res Methods. 2017;49(6):2031-43.
3. Cardarelli RA, Jones K, Pisella LI, Wobst HJ, McWilliams LJ, Sharpe PM, et al. The small molecule CLP257 does not modify activity of the K(+)-Cl(-) co-transporter KCC2 but does potentiate GABAA receptor activity. Nat Med. 2017;23(12):1394-6.
4. Cardinali L, Brozzoli C, Luaute J, Roy AC, Farne A. Proprioception Is Necessary for Body Schema Plasticity: Evidence from a Deafferented Patient. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016;10:272.
5. Chassagne F, Helouin-Desenne C, Molimard J, Convert R, Badel P, Giraux P. Superimposition of elastic and nonelastic compression bandages. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2017;5(6):851-8.
6. Christophe L, Chabanat E, Delporte L, Revol P, Volckmann P, Jacquin-Courtois S,. Prisms to Shift Pain Away: Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Exploration of CRPS with Prism Adaptation. Neural Plast. 2016;2016:1694256.
7. Christophe L, Delporte L, Revol P, DePaepe A, Rode G, Jacquin-Courtois S, Rossetti, Y. Complex regional pain syndrome associated with hyperattention rather than neglect for the healthy side: A comprehensive case study. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2016;59(5-6):294-301.
8. Corazzol M, Lio G, Lefevre A, Deiana G, Tell L, Andre-Obadia N, Bourdillon,P.Guenot,M.Desmurget, M.Luaute, J.Sirigu, A. Restoring consciousness with vagus nerve stimulation. CurrBiol.2017;27(18):R994-R6.
9. Cordonier L, . Breton, A, . Trouche, E, . ,Van der Henst, J-BJ-B.Doesprestigeaffectusphysiologically? A study in an interactional context. Interaction Studies. 2017:18,21433.
10. Coste CA, Bergeron V, Berkelmans R, Martins EF, Fornusek C, Jetsada A, Hunt,K.J.Tong,R.Triolo,R. Wolf, P. Comparison of strategies and performance of functional electrical stimulation cycling in spinal cord injury pilots for competition in the first ever CYBATHLON. Eur J Transl Myol. 2017;27(4):7219.
11. Curie A, Lesca G, Bussy G, Manificat S, Arnaud V, Gonzalez S, Revol, O.Calender, A.Gerard, D.des Portes, V. Asperger syndrome and early-onset schizophrenia associated with a novel MECP2 deleterious missense variant. Psychiatr Genet. 2017;27(3):105-9.
12. Ferrari I, Bouilly J, Beau I, Guizzardi F, Ferlin A, Pollazzon M, et al. Impaired protein stability and nuclear localization of NOBOX variants associated with premature ovarian insufficiency. Hum Mol Genet. 2016;25(23):5223-33.
13. Fourtassi M, Rode G, Pisella L. Using eye movements to explore mental representations of space. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2017;60(3):160-3.
14. Foussard A, Berti S, Perrot X, Lapeyre G. Relative dispersion in generalized two-dimensional turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2017;821:358-83.
15. Glize B LM, Rossetti Y, Revol P, Jacquin-Courtois S, Klinger E, Joseph PA, Rode G. Improvement of Navigation and Representation in Virtual Reality after Prism Adaptation in Neglect Patients. Front Psychol. 2017:20;8:2019.
16. Hartmann AM, Pisella LI, Medina I, Nothwang HG. Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of two cation chloride cotransporter subfamily members of Hydra vulgaris. PLoS One. 2017;12(6):e0179968.
17. Heine L, Tillmann B, Hauet M, Juliat A, Dubois A, Laureys S, Kandel, M.Plailly, J.Luaute, J. Perrin, F. Effects of preference and sensory modality on behavioural reaction in patients with disorders of consciousness. Brain Inj. 2017;31(10):1307-11.
18. Hugues A, Di Marco J, Janiaud P, Xue Y, Pires J, Khademi H, Cucherat, M.Bonan, I.Gueyffier, F. Rode,G. Efficiency of physical therapy on postural imbalance after stroke: study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2017;7(1):e013348.
19. Jacquin-Courtois S, Christophe L, Chabanat E, Reilly KT, Rossetti Y. Unilateral chronic pain may neglect the healthy side. Cortex. 2017;90:163-5.
20. Jensen KB, Kirsch I, Ponten M, Rosen A, Yang K, Gollub RL, des Portes, V.Kaptchuk, T. J.Curie, A. Certainty of genuine treatment increases drug responses among intellectually disabled patients. Neurology. 2017;88(20):1912-8.
21. Luaute J, Laffont I. BCIs and physical medicine and rehabilitation: the future is now. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2015;58(1):1-2.
22. Mavromatis N, Neige C, Gagne M, Reilly KT, Mercier C. Effect of Experimental Hand Pain on Training-Induced Changes in Motor Performance and Corticospinal Excitability. Brain Sci. 2017;7(2).
23. Metani A, Popovic-Maneski L, Mateo S, Lemahieu L, Bergeron V. Functional electrical stimulation cycling strategies tested during preparation for the First Cybathlon Competition - a practical report from team ENS de Lyon. Eur J Transl Myol. 2017;27(4):7110.
24. Morisseau T, . ., Mermillod, MEymond, C., Van der Henst, J-B , Noveck I. You can laugh at everything, but not with everyone: What jokes can tell us about group affiliations. Interaction Studies. 2017:18, 116-41.
25. Nazir TA, Hrycyk L, Moreau Q, Frak V, Cheylus A, Ott L, et al. A simple technique to study embodied language processes: the grip force sensor. Behav Res Methods. 2017;49(1):61-73.
26. Nguyen MF, Bonnefoy M, Adrait A, Gueugnon M, Petitot C, Collet L, et al. Efficacy of Hearing Aids on the Cognitive Status of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Hearing Loss: A Multicenter Controlled Randomized Trial. J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;58(1):123-37.
27. O'Shea J, Revol P, Cousijn H, Near J, Petitet P, Jacquin-Courtois S, et al. Induced sensorimotor cortex plasticity remediates chronic treatment-resistant visual neglect. Elife. 2017;6.
28. Osiurak F, Rossetti Y. Definition: Limb apraxia. Cortex. 2017;93:228.
29. Osiurak F, Rossetti Y, Badets A. What is an affordance? 40 years later. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2017;77:403-17.
30. Panico F, Jacquin-Courtois S, Di Marco J, Perrin C, Trojano L, Rossetti Y. tDCS reactivation of dormant adaptation circuits. Cortex. 2017;94:196-9.
31. Pisella L. Visual perception is dependent on visuospatial working memory and thus on the posterior parietal cortex. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2017;60(3):141-7.
32. Pisella L, Rossetti Y, Rode G. Optic ataxia in Balint-Holmes syndrome. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2017;60(3):148-54.
33. Prado J, Spotorno N, Koun E, Hewitt E, Van der Henst JB,SperberD,Noveck,I.ANeuralinteraction between logical reasoning and pragmatic processing in narrative discourse. J Cogn Neurosci. 2015;27(4):692-704.
34. Qu C, Ligneul R, Van der Henst JB, Dreher JC. Representations of Dominance Hierarchies: an integrative, interdisciplinary perspective. Trends in Cognitive Science,. 2017:21, 893-908.
35. Qu C, Ligneul R, Van der Henst JB, Dreher JC. An Integrative Interdisciplinary Perspective on Social Dominance Hierarchies. Trends Cogn Sci. 2017;21(11):893-908.
36. Raad H, Serrano-Sanchez M, Harfouche G, Mahfouf W, Bortolotto D, Bergeron V, et al. NADPH Oxidase-1 Plays a Key Role in Keratinocyte Responses to UV Radiation and UVB-Induced Skin Carcinogenesis. J Invest Dermatol. 2017;137(6):1311-21.
37. Rochefolle A, Maison O, Chazaud C, Rioufol C, Rode G, Luaute J, JacquinCourtois,S.Guinet Lacoste, A.Carre, E. [Impact of pharmaceutical interventions on antibiotic therapy of urinary tract infections in rehabilitation center]. Prog Urol. 2017;27(7):439-45.
38. Rode G, Fourtassi M, Pagliari C, Pisella L, Rossetti Y. Complexity vs. unity in unilateral spatial neglect. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2017;173(7-8):440-50.
39. Rode G, Pagliari C, Huchon L, Rossetti Y, Pisella L. Semiology of neglect: An update. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2017;60(3):177-85.
40. Rode G, Perennou D, Azouvi P. Spatial cognition. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2017;60(3):123.
41. Rossetti Y, Pisella L, McIntosh RD. Rise and fall of the two visual systems theory. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2017;60(3):130-40.
42. Schintu S, Patane I, Caldano M, Salemme R, Reilly KT, Pisella L, Farne, A. The asymmetrical effect of leftward and rightward prisms on intact visuospatial cognition. Cortex. 2017;97:23-31.
43. Schwartz F, Epinat-Duclos J, Leone J, Prado J. The neural development of conditional reasoning in children: Different mechanisms for assessing the logical validity and likelihood of conclusions. Neuroimage. 2017;163:264-75.
44. Van der Henst J-B. La politique de l’enfant et le dilemme de la hiérarchie. Médecine/Sciences. 2017: 33 664-9. .
45. Van der Henst JB. [Loss of agency without coercion ?]. Med Sci (Paris). 2017;33(5):548.
1. Ballanger B, Beaudoin-Gobert M, Neumane S, Epinat J, Metereau E, Duperrier S, Broussolle, E.Thobois, S.Bonnefoi, F.Tourvielle, C.Lavenne, F.Costes, N.Lebars, D.Zimmer, L. Sgambato-Faure, V.Tremblay, L. Imaging Dopamine and Serotonin Systems on MPTP Monkeys: A Longitudinal PET Investigation of Compensatory Mechanisms. J Neurosci. 2016;36(5):1577-89.
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3. Cardinali L, Brozzoli C, Luaute J, Roy AC, Farne A. Proprioception Is Necessary for Body Schema Plasticity: Evidence from a Deafferented Patient. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016;10:272.
4. Castelain T, Bernard S, Van der Henst JB, Mercier H. The influence of power and reason on young Maya children's endorsement of testimony. Dev Sci. 2016;19(6):957-66.
5. Charafeddine R, Mercier H, Clement F, Kaufmann L, Reboul A, Van der Henst JB. Children's allocation of resources in social dominance situations. Dev Psychol. 2016;52(11):1843-57.
6. Chassagne F, Molimard J, Convert R, Giraux P, Badel P. Numerical Approach for the Assessment of Pressure Generated by Elastic Compression Bandage. Ann Biomed Eng. 2016;44(10):3096-108.
7. Christophe L, Chabanat E, Delporte L, Revol P, Volckmann P, Jacquin-Courtois S, Rossetti, Y.
Prisms to Shift Pain Away: Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Exploration of CRPS with Prism Adaptation. Neural Plast. 2016;2016:1694256.
8. Christophe L, Delporte L, Revol P, DePaepe A, Rode G, Jacquin-Courtois S, Rossetti, Y. Complex regional pain syndrome associated with hyperattention rather than neglect for the healthy side: A comprehensive case study. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2016;59(5-6):294-301.
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11. Dupuy LE, Van der Henst JB, Cheylus A, Reboul AC. Context in Generalized Conversational Implicatures: The Case of Some. Front Psychol. 2016;7:381.
13. Fourtassi M, Rode G, Tilikete C, Pisella L. Spontaneous ocular positioning during visual imagery in patients with hemianopia and/or hemineglect. Neuropsychologia. 2016;86:141-52.
14. Huchon L, Badet L, Roy AC, Finos L, Gazarian A, Revol P, Bernardon, L.Rossetti, Y.Morelon, E.Rode, G.Farne, A. Grasping objects by former amputees: The visuo-motor control of allografted hands. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2016;34(4):615-33.
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20. Levy-Bencheton D, Khan AZ, Pelisson D, Tilikete C, Pisella L. Adaptation of Saccadic Sequences with and without Remapping. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016;10:359.
21. Luaute J, Azouvi P. Behavioral disorders after traumatic brain injury: Why a special issue in the Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine? Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2016;59(1):1-2.
22. Luaute J, Hamonet J, Pradat-Diehl P, Sofmer. Behavioral and affective disorders after brain injury: French guidelines for prevention and community supports. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2016;59(1):68-73.
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24. Luaute J, Plantier D, Wiart L, Tell L, group S. Care management of the agitation or aggressiveness crisis in patients with TBI. Systematic review of the literature and practice recommendations. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2016;59(1):58-67.
25. Martin-Arevalo E, Laube I, Koun E, Farne A, Reilly KT, Pisella L. Prism Adaptation Alters Electrophysiological Markers of Attentional Processes in the Healthy Brain. J Neurosci. 2016;36(3):1019-30.
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28. Mercier C, Gagne M, Reilly KT, Bouyer LJ. Effect of Experimental Cutaneous Hand Pain on Corticospinal Excitability and Short Afferent Inhibition. Brain Sci. 2016;6(4).
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31. Muret D, Daligault S, Dinse HR, Delpuech C, Mattout J, Reilly KT, Farne, A. Neuromagnetic correlates of adaptive plasticity across the hand-face border in human primary somatosensory cortex. J Neurophysiol. 2016;115(4):2095-104.
32. Neveu P, Roumes C, Philippe M, Fuchs P, Priot AE. Stereoscopic Viewing Can Induce Changes in the CA/C Ratio. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57(10):4321-6.
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34. Panouilleres MT, Gaveau V, Debatisse J, Jacquin P, LeBlond M, Pelisson D. Oculomotor Adaptation Elicited By Intra-Saccadic Visual Stimulation: Time-Course of Efficient Visual Target Perturbation. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016;10:91.
35. Plantier D, Luaute J, group S. Drugs for behavior disorders after traumatic brain injury: Systematic review and expert consensus leading to French recommendations for good practice. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2016;59(1):42-57.
36. Raffin E RN, Giraux P, Reilly KT. Primary motor cortex changes after amputation correlate with phantom limb pain and the ability to move the phantom limb. Neuroimage. 2016:130:4-44.
37. Rode G, Pagliari C, . Huchon L, L. Semiology of neglect: An update. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2016:60(3):177-85.
38. Schintu S, Martin-Arevalo E, Vesia M, Rossetti Y, Salemme R, Pisella L, Farne, A.Reilly, K. T.. Paired-Pulse Parietal-Motor Stimulation Differentially Modulates Corticospinal Excitability across Hemispheres When Combined with Prism Adaptation. Neural Plast. 2016;2016:5716179.
39. Sgambato-Faure V, Worbe Y, Epinat J, Feger J, Tremblay L. Cortico-basal ganglia circuits involved in different motivation disorders in non-human primates. Brain Struct Funct. 2016;221(1):345-64.
40. Torta DM LV, Rossetti Y, Mouraux A. Prisms for pain. Can visuo-motor rehabilitation strategies alleviate chronic pain? Eur J Pain. 2016:20(1):64-9.
41. Vienne C, Plantier J, Neveu P, Priot AE. The Role of Vertical Disparity in Distance and Depth Perception as Revealed by Different Stereo-Camera Configurations. Iperception. 2016;7(6):2041669516681308.
42. Vindras P, Blangero A, Ota H, Reilly KT, Rossetti Y, Pisella L. The Pointing Errors in Optic Ataxia Reveal the Role of "Peripheral Magnification" of the PPC. Front Integr Neurosci. 2016;10:27.
43. Wiart L, Luaute J, Stefan A, Plantier D, Hamonet J. Non pharmacological treatments for psychological and behavioural disorders following traumatic brain injury (TBI). A systematic literature review and expert opinion leading to recommendations. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2016;59(1):31-41.
1. Beaudoin-Gobert M, Epinat J, Metereau E, Duperrier S, Neumane S, Ballanger B, Lavenne, F. Liger, F.Tourvielle, C.Bonnefoi, F.Costes, N.Bars, D. L.Broussolle, E.Thobois, S.Tremblay, L.Sgambato-Faure, V. Behavioural impact of a double dopaminergic and serotonergic lesion in the non-human primate. Brain. 2015;138(Pt 9):2632-47.
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4. Castro M, Tillmann B, Luaute J, Corneyllie A, Dailler F, Andre-Obadia N, et al. Boosting Cognition With Music in Patients With Disorders of Consciousness. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2015;29(8):734-42.
5. Chassagne F, Martin F, Badel P, Convert R, Giraux P, Molimard J. Experimental Investigation of Pressure Applied on the Lower Leg by Elastic Compression Bandage. Ann Biomed Eng. 2015;43(12):2967-77.
6. Chevallier C, Xu J, Adachi K, van der Henst JB, Baumard N. Preschoolers' understanding of merit in two Asian societies. PLoS One. 2015;10(5):e0114717.
7. Curie A, Yang K, Kirsch I, Gollub RL, des Portes V, Kaptchuk TJ, Jensen, K. B. Placebo Responses in Genetically Determined Intellectual Disability: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS One. 2015;10(7):e0133316.
8. Di Rienzo F, Guillot A, Mateo S, Daligault S, Delpuech C, Rode G, Collet, C. Neuroplasticity of imagined wrist actions after spinal cord injury: a pilot study. Exp Brain Res. 2015;233(1):291-302.
9. Friedel P, Kahle KT, Zhang J, Hertz N, Pisella LI, Schaller, F.Duan, J.Khanna, A. R.Bishop, P. N.Shokat, K. M.Medina, I. Buhler E, WNK1-regulated inhibitory phosphorylation of the KCC2 cotransporter maintains the depolarizing action of GABA in immature neurons. Sci Signal. 2015;8(383):ra65.
10. Gayraud F, Martinie B, Bentot E, Lepilliez A, Tell L, Cotton F, Rode, G.. Written production in a case of locked-in syndrome with bilateral corticopontic degeneration. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2015;25(5):780-97.
11. Hubert A, Curie A, Sabatier I, Poulat AL, Carneiro M, Chabrier S. [Transient ischemic attack: as well a paediatric emergency]. Presse Med. 2015;44(2):249-51.
12. Hugues A, Di Marco J, Lunven M, Jacquin-Courtois S, Rossetti Y, Bonan I, Rode, G. Long-lasting reduction in postural asymmetry by prism adaptation after right brain lesion without neglect. Cogn Process. 2015;16 Suppl 1:371-5.
13. Inoue M, Uchimura M, Karibe A, O'Shea J, Rossetti Y, Kitazawa S. Three timescales in prism adaptation. J Neurophysiol. 2015;113(1):328-38.
14. Jacquin-Courtois S. Hemi-spatial neglect rehabilitation using non-invasive brain stimulation: or how to modulate the disconnection syndrome? Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2015;58(4):251-8.
15. Khan AZ, Blohm G, Pisella L, Munoz DP. Saccade execution suppresses discrimination at distractor locations rather than enhancing the saccade goal location. Eur J Neurosci. 2015;41(12):1624-34.
16. Kubik B, Barbier R, C, A.,, Chabanat E, . F, S., S, G. Predictive model of the temporal noise correlations in HgCdTe array. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. Detectors and Associated Equipment 2015:787, 315-8.
17. Luaute J, Laffont I. BCIs and physical medicine and rehabilitation: the future is now. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2015;58(1):1-2.
18. Luaute J, Morlet D, Mattout J. BCI in patients with disorders of consciousness: clinical perspectives. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2015;58(1):29-34.
19. Lunven M, Thiebaut De Schotten M, Bourlon C, Duret C, Migliaccio R, Rode G, Bartolomeo, P. White matter lesional predictors of chronic visual neglect: a longitudinal study. Brain. 2015;138(Pt 3):746-60.
20. Mateo S, Di Rienzo F, Reilly KT, Revol P, Delpuech C, Daligault S, et al. Improvement of grasping after motor imagery in C6-C7 tetraplegia: A kinematic and MEG pilot study. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2015;33(4):543-55.
21. Mateo S, Roby-Brami A, Reilly KT, Rossetti Y, Collet C, Rode G. Upper limb kinematics after cervical spinal cord injury: a review. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2015;12:9.
22. Mercier H, . Z, J, . Q, Y, . L, Van der Henst J-B. Do Easterners and Westerners treat contradiction differently? Journal of Cognition and Culture, . 2015:15, 47-65.
23. Neveu P, Priot AE, Philippe M, Fuchs P, Roumes C. Agreement between clinical and laboratory methods assessing tonic and cross-link components of accommodation and vergence. Clin Exp Optom. 2015;98(5):435-46.
24. Ong YH, Jacquin-Courtois S, Gorgoraptis N, Bays PM, Husain M, Leff AP. Eye-Search: A web-based therapy that improves visual search in hemianopia. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2015;2(1):74-8.
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