The main missions are:
- to support neuroimaging projects of the teams (from the definition of the experimental design to data analysis)
- participate to the implementation of an open science policy at CRNL - (data management, BIDS standards, etc.)
- organize assistance and training for users
- to ensure a methodological and technical watch
- coordinate and animate the NeuroImaging club (with Isabelle Faillenot)
A users committee makes it possible to coordinate projects among the teams as well as possible. Also, this common service interacts in particular with the IT department of the centre, the “methods club”, the “scientific integrity” club as well as with the CERMEP (IRM 3T Primage and MEG mainly).
The common service is composed by two engineers: Gaëlle Leroux (coord.) and Justine Épinat-Duclos. It is under the supervision of the director, Olivier Bertrand, and the deputy director, Laurent Bezin.