Publications of EDUWELL

HAL site of the team's publications


  • Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Tiali, S. E. B., Vidal, J. R., Petton, M., Croize, A. C., Deman, P., ... & Lachaux, J. P. (2020). A real-time marker of object-based attention in the human brain. A possible component of a “gate-keeping mechanism” performing late attentional selection in the Ventro-Lateral Prefrontal Cortex. NeuroImage210, 116574.
  • Petton, M., Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Mac-Auliffe, D., Bertrand, O., Aguera, P. E., Sipp, F., ... & Lachaux, J. P. (2019). BLAST: a short computerized test to measure the ability to stay on task. Normative behavioral data and detailed cortical dynamics. Neuropsychologia134, 107151.
  • Saignavongs, M., Ciumas, C., Petton, M., Bouet, R., Boulogne, S., Rheims, S., ... & Ryvlin, P. (2017). Neural activity elicited by a cognitive task can be detected in single-trials with simultaneous intracerebral EEG-fMRI recordings. International journal of neural systems27(01), 1750001.