The main objective of this platform is to provide expertise and support in field of molecular, cellular and tissue neuro- biology. GenCyTi provides conceptual support in experiments design and proposes tools, equipments and facilities. This platform offers training, help and advice to users.
Molecular Biology : Cloning, qPCR, genomic and plasmidic DNA preparation, mutagenesis construction for CRISPR..
Cellular Biology : Viral production, transient transfection, stable cell line production, Primary Culture, Flow cytometry analyse, Immuno-phenotyping
Tissue Biology : Immunohistochemistry/ Immunofluorescence, photonic microscopy (fluorescence and confocal microscope), clearing tissue
The platform GenCyTi is composed of 4 entities, allowing exploration, ranging from the molecular level to the tissue level, through the cellular one :

Fonctional Neurogenetics (NGFO) :
NGFO allows CRNL members with limited skills in molecular biology to envision experiments in cell biology, optogenetics, pharmacogenetics or tract-tracing using mutants, transgenes or viral vectors adapted to their specific needs.
Culture Cellular end Immunophenotyping (CLIP) :
CLIP supports research groups in their projects using primary culture and immunophenotyping, by providing guidance in experimental design, development of multicolor phenotyping panel (flow cytometer CANTO II, 3 lasers), assistance from cells preparation to data analysis.
Imagery and Histochemistry (IMAGHIS) :
The platform provides imaging systems including two fluorescence microscopes, a fluorescence macroscope and a laser scanning confocal microscope Zeiss LSM800 equipped with AiryScan technology. The microscopy platform helps users in the optimization of image acquisition and provides trainings on the different systems. IMAGHIS provides advice on histochemistry technique and the development of clearing tissue protocol.