Intact fluency in autism? A comprehensive approach of verbal fluency task including word imageability and concreteness

Dezso Nemeth

Verbal fluency is a cognitive function reflecting executive functions and the ability to retrieve the appropriate information from memory quickly. In autism spectrum disorder, the fluency performance is not clear. To address this issue, Dezso Nemeth (MEMO CRNL) and his collaborators worked out a sophisticated fluency measurement and ran a study on adults with high-functioning autism. They published their results in Autism Research. 

Body schema plasticity is altered in Developmental Coordination Disorder

Marie Martel

Une publication dans Neuropsychologia qui décrit les résultats d'une étude concernant la plasticité des représentations du corps chez les enfants atteints de TDC, avec l’hypothèse qu’elle est altérée. Cette étude menée par Marie Martel (IMPACT CRNL et laboratoire Dynamique du Langage) est le fruit d’une collaboration entre l’équipe ImpAct du CRNL (Alessandro Farnè & Eric Koun), le laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (Alice Roy & Véronique Boulenger) et l’Université de Padoue (Livio Finos).

Memory consolidation

NeuroImage Reports

Lison Fanuel, Teodora Vekony, Dezso Németh (MEMO CRNL) and Romain Quentin (EDUWELL CRNL) published a study about memory consolidation in Neuroimage Reports. They investigated whether memory traces could consolidate during short rest periods (10-30 sec). They showed that ultra-fast consolidation differently affects distinct memory processes.

Former CRNL PhD student wins the 2021 Young Research Award!

Portrait de Laurie-Anne Sapey-Triomphe

Like every year, the Metropolis of Lyon, the City of Lyon and the University of Lyon reward young researchers in the region. This is the Young Research Award. The winners receive a prize of 5,000 euros.

Laurie-Anne Sapey-Triomphe (former DYCOG/COPHY CRNL doctoral student) was awarded the 2021 Young Research Prize for her work on autism.

Congratulations !