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laboThe CERMEP – “imagerie du vivant" (head: L. Zimmer) is located on the East-Lyon Hospital Campus. It was created in 1988 with a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging system and a cyclotron / PET camera set. From the beginning it was conceived as a platform for R & D, diagnosis and research, accessible to the entire in vivo imaging community (CNRS and INSERM researchers, university lecturers-researchers, CHU doctor-researchers). Operating as an entity independent of laboratories and hospital services, this Economic Interest Group (GIE) is formed today by: CNRS, INSERM, Hospices Civils de Lyon, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CHU Grenoble and Saint Etienne, University Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1.

In addition to historical facilities (radiochemistry, PET-CT, MEG, 1.5T MRI) recent and current upgrades of the platform departments concern: 3.0T MRI (Siemens Magnetom Trio), MEG/EEG (CTF Omega 275 & 64-channel EEG), hybrid PET-MRI 3.0T (Siemens Biograph mMR), Animage (small animals imaging: micro-PET-CT and 7T MRI).


SFR Santé Lyon EstThe SFR Health Lyon-Est is a research federation that brings together the main biology and health laboratories in the eastern part of Lyon, particularly on the Rockefeller-Centre Léon Bérard, Laennec Faculty of Medicine, and the Eastern Hospitals (Neuro-cardio, Le Vinatier) campuses.
The main objective of the SFR Santé Lyon-Est is to federate the laboratories of the Eastern site and give them access to shared platforms. 12 technical platforms available to the contributing units as well as to academics and industrialists.
In addition to pooling resources, it is also a search for scientific dynamics to motivate the creation of projects and encourage exchanges between researchers.
In addition to the support of Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, the SFR Santé Lyon-Est has been accredited as a research support unit by the CNRS (CNRS UAR3453) and as a service unit by the INSERM (INSERM US7).