Two new publications from the MEMO team


The first one about individual differences in implicit statistical learning in npj Science of Learning. The article showed a competitive relationship between prefrontal cortex functions and this fundamental learning mechanism.

The second one is a review article in the field of political neuroscience in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. They aimed the explain why our brain is so receptive to oversimplified political messages such as propaganda and populist rhetoric. They showed a research program to pinpoint the brain background of this phenomenon.

Hommage à Martine Meunier

Martine_Meunier crédit Alice Catherine Roy 2005.jpg

Martine Meunier nous a quitté samedi 2 mars 2024. Martine animait avec dynamisme et humanité un pan important des recherches de l’équipe IMPACT du Centre de recherche en neurosciences de Lyon - CRNL (CNRS/Inserm/Université Claude Bernard) et a co-créé le GDR Biosimia dédié à la recherche utilisant le primate non-humain.


© Alice Catherine Roy 2005