Thierry Bal, Directeur de Recherches, Institut NeuroPsy, Paris
Nadia Urbain (SLEEP)

Thierry Bal est directeur de recherches à l'Institut NeuroPsy à Paris et dirige l'équipe "Homéostasie, Perception et États".
The claustrum is a telencephalic nucleus that appears evolutionary conserved and is one of the most highly connected region of the mammalian brain, with massive reciprocal projections to the cerebral cortex as well as to some subcortical regions. This “brain hub” may control aspects of attentional processes and cognitive control, and of interest for this work, it is proposed to modulate cortical slow-wave synchronization during sleep and quiet wakefulness (Narikiyo, Nat.Neurosci 2020; Marriott, Cell Rep. 2024). Using a brain slice approach, we found a robust sleep-like 0.5-1Hz oscillation generated in the claustrum network maintained in connection with cortical circuits, when activated by light cholinergic modulation. We are looking for a detailed description of the neuronal components involved in the oscillation and the mechanisms of interaction between the claustrum and the cortex.
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