Auditory Cognition and Psychoacoustics

The aim of our research is to investigate the multi-facets of auditory processing. We study the role of sensory (acoustic forms) traces and of cognitive (language, music) information in auditory perception (prediction/expectation) and memory. We also investigate the interactions of auditory perception with other sensory modalities (vision, olfaction, body and space), motor representations and cognition (mainly attention and consciouness).

The team's expertise is interdisciplinary (psychoacoustics, psychology, ethology, linguistics, musicology, neuroscience, neurology, neurorehabilitation) and the methodologies used are complementary (behavior, hd-EEG, fMRI, MEG, TCS, eye-tracking, computational models).

Most of the fundamental research projects open new perspectives for clinical and/or industrial researches. The aim of numerous studies is to develop new tools for evaluation and remediation in pathology: hearing loss, developmental language disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, trauma, coma or amusia. We also adopt a life-span perspective to explore the development of auditory cognition.


Five testing sound booths with high acoustic and electromagnetic attenuation performance

Three hd-EEG systems, one eye-tracker

sound booths

Human resources
  • 5 Doc
  • 2 Post-doc
  • 4 Research Engineer
  • 3 Researchers
  • 3 Univ Assoc-Prof
  • 1 Associate Researcher
  • 1 Visiting Prof
  • 1 Invited Researcher
  • 1 Hospital Doctor
Methods and Techniques
  • Behavior (psychoacoustics, cognitive psychology, video analysis)
  • hd-EEG
  • MEG
  • Anatomical and functional MRI
  • Animal studies
  • Eye-tracking


Research Project

Some examples:

  • Psychoacoustic studies on pitch processing: perceptual processes and cognitive influences (based on listeners’ musical knowledge)
  • Auditory scene analyses with verbal material (speech in speech, speech in noise) and musical material (interleaved melodies)
  • Musical and linguistic cognition: what do we learn about brain functioning by comparing the processing of musical and linguistic structures?
  • What is nonmusician listeners’ knowledge about musical structures of their culture? How is this knowledge acquired (studying implicit learning in the laboratory with artificial sound structures)?
  • Congenital amusia (a disorder in music perception and production)
  • Unconscious auditory perception, notably in Disorders of Consciousness (coma)
  • Body space representations in auditory perception
  • Can music boost cognitive processes (e.g., language for patients with developmental disorders, in coma)?


Additional information


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Alexandra Corneyllie -


Nicolas Grimault & Fabien Perrin