Front news

Congratulations to Silvia Melzi who won the SYMBIOSE 2021 award for her short film "Orexine"!

Sylvia Melzi

Pariscience organizes Symbiose - 48h short film competition, based on an idea of the ImagineScience festival.

Pairs, composed of a scientist and a director, have 48 hours to write, shoot and edit a short film together.

There is only one constraint to respect: the short film must have been inspired by the annual theme for 2021: "OUTSIDE THE BOX".

The Symbiosis Prize is awarded and endowed with €1,000 by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).

Congratulations to Silvia Melzi (SLEEP CRNL doctoral student) and to Hugo Cayla, the director!


Crédit photo Hugo Cayla et Silvia Melzi

Rêver pendant le confinement

Rêver pendant le confinement

Le livre "Rêver pendant le confinement" présentant les résultats de l'enquête "Confinement, Sommeil et Rêves" réalisée du 6 avril au 12 mai 2020 menée par Perrine Ruby (PAM CRNL) paraitra le 11 novembre 2021.

Perrine Ruby. Rêver pendant le confinement - Ce que le rêve nous apprend sur le vécu des Françaises et des Français. EDP Sciences, 1ère édition, 11 novembre 2021, 280 p., ISBN 2759825418.

L'Université Jean Monnet décerne les insignes de Docteur Honoris Causa à Frans De Waal, primatologue international

Frans De Waal

Mercredi 20 octobre 2021, l’Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne a eu l'honneur de remettre les insignes de Docteur Honoris Causa à Frans DE WAAL, primatologue mondialement reconnu et Professeur de biologie à l’Université d’Emory (États-Unis) et à l'Université d'Utrecht (Pays-Bas). Lors de cette cérémonie prestigieuse, de nombreux enseignants et scientifiques, en particulier des chercheurs de l'Équipe de Neuro-Éthologie Sensorielle (ENES CRNL), mais aussi des membres d'institutions partenaires de l'Université étaient présents.

Lors des parades amoureuses ou endormis, les oiseaux contractent leurs pupilles

© Gianina Ungurean, Niels Rattenborg et Paul-Antoine Libourel

Gianina Ungurean et Paul-Antoine Libourel (SLEEP CRNL) ont publié les résultats de leurs recherches sur le sommeil des oiseaux dans le Current Biology du 19 octobre 2021. Cette étude montre que chez les pigeons, à l'inverse des mammifères, les pupilles deviennent plus petites pendant l'éveil et le sommeil paradoxal, alors qu'elles s'agrandissent pendant le sommeil lent. Le comportement pupillaire inattendu des oiseaux ouvre ainsi une nouvelle fenêtre sur le cerveau endormi, ce comportement étant notamment retrouvé pendant les parades amoureuses.

© Gianina Ungurean, Niels Rattenborg et Paul-Antoine Libourel

Mémoire de peur : les réseaux cérébraux se réorganisent au cours du temps

© Philippe Litaudon/Chloé Hégoburu

Des chercheurs du CRNL (Anne-Marie Mouly, Nadine Ravel, Philippe Litaudon CMO CRNL et Luc Zimmer BIORAN CRNL) et du CERMEP ont publié les résultats de leurs recherches sur la mémoire de la peur dans le Cerebral Cortex du 20 octobre 2021. Leurs résultats montrent que si la mémoire récente active un réseau cérébral très étendu, celui activé par une mémoire de peur ancienne est limité au cortex sensoriel.

© Philippe Litaudon/Chloé Hégoburu

A great success for the on-board conferences!

Conférences embarquées - Crédits photo CNRS Rhône Auvergne

On Saturday afternoon, August 28, 2021, at the initiative of the CNRS, about thirty researchers embarked on the lake of the Parc de la Tête d'Or to present their research to the general public.

Two CRNL researchers (Nadine Ravel and Maud Beaudoin) were able to show their work to a few privileged people during a boat trip!

A great experience to make our work accessible!


© CNRS Rhône Auvergne

INFO VALO : Proud of the winners "made in CRNL"!

i-Lab i-PhD

Innovation competitions: 3 winners 2021 from the CRNL boosted by Pulsalys in the i-PhD and i-Lab categories:

Audrey Vialatte (TRAJECTOIRES CRNL), i-PhD winner, leader of the LudiSymboles project

Silvia Macchione (IMPACT CRNL), i-PhD winner, leader of the Face à Main project

Jordan Guyon, i-Lab winner, CEO of Gaoma Therapeutics (the startup  is based on the results of TIGER CRNL)

Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions

Aurélie Bidet-Caulet

Aurélie BIDET-CAULET (PAM CRNL), co-signs this article recently published in Neuron. They “argue that gender bias is not a single problem but manifests as collection of distinct issues that impact researchers' lives. They dientangle these facets and propose concrte solutions that can be adpted by individuals, academic institutions, and society“.

Elles, Ils sont l'Inserm - Portrait of Gaëtan Amorim, GenCyTi CRNL


Following the implementation within Inserm of the "Plan for professional equality between women and men", Inserm wanted to highlight, through video testimonies, the women and men who make and are Inserm at the local level.

The 3rd episode is the testimony of Gaëtan AMORIM, Research Technician at the GenCyTi CRNL platform.

Three young researchers are joining the CRNL! Portrait of Audrey Hay


They have passed the external Inserm and CNRS research fellowships and will respectively join the EDUWELL team for Romain Quentin, PSYR2 for Jacqueline Scholl and WAKING for Audrey Hay.

We welcome them and congratulate them!

Today, the portrait of Audrey Hay, CR CNRS who joins the WAKING CRNL team. The last portraits will follow!

Three young researchers are joining the CRNL! Portrait of Romain Quentin

Romain Quentin

They have passed the external Inserm and CNRS research fellowships and will respectively join the EDUWELL team for Romain Quentin, PSYR2 for Jacqueline Scholl and WAKING for Audrey Hay.

We welcome them and congratulate them!

Today, the portrait of Romain Quentin, CR Inserm who joins the EDUWELL CRNL team. The other portraits will follow!

Simon Thibault received Society for Neural Control of Movement (NCM) award !

Logo Society for the Neural Control of Movement

Simon Thibault, PhD student at IMPACT CRNL, supervised by Claudio Brozzoli (IMPACT CRNL) and Alice Roy (DDL), in collaboration with Véronique Boulenger (DDL), received this year's Society for Neural Control of Movement (NCM) award.

At the conference organised by NCM, Simon presented some of the results of his thesis project: through behavioural and functional neuroimaging studies, Simon investigated the links between language syntax and tool use, testing the hypothesis that a common function serves both skills.