Health Challenge proposed by Valérie Gaveau, MCF at the Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences and Techniques (ISTR) and at IMPACT team of the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CRNL), AND IF VIRTUAL REALITY BECOMES A COLLABORATIVE REHABILITATION TOOL?: Co-construct innovative rehabilitation modules based on virtual reality by involving:
- health students and/or their trainers
- healthcare professionals motivated to use VR in their clinical practice
- VR experts
- …
Through this collaboration, students will participate in the development of VR rehabilitation modules, while healthcare professionals and VR experts will benefit from clinical data and user feedback. Thus together, we will train future professionals of immersive rehabilitation.
MY OBJECTIVE > To create an interdisciplinary collaborative network between future rehabilitators, health professionals and creators of VR rehabilitation content.
The HH Lyon will take place from Friday March 11 at 6 p.m. to Sunday March 13 at 6 p.m. at the Faculty of Medicine Lyon-Sud
To participate in the HH_Lyon, it's easy and fast:
🎙 Discover my 1 min pitch :
1- Show your interest in my challenge!
Log in or create an account (via your email)
Check out my challenge at it's #11
Join the team
2- Come and co-build this project with me for 48 hours of marathon !
You will be asked for a deposit when you register for the marathon, the HHLyon is, in fact, a frugal event and we want to avoid wasting food as much as possible. This will be returned to you at the end of the event. For students, places are free (contact me)
🚀 All infos here 👉