A quick look back at the science festival and the European Researchers' Night 2021!

Fête de la Science & Nuit des chercheur.e.s

On the program for the Fête de la science :


Unusual visits in the premises of the CRNL :

  • Les secrets de votre odorat with Camille Ferdenzi and Moustafa Bensafi (NEUROPOP CRNL)

FdS Odorat1 FdS Odorat2 FdS Odorat3 FdS Odorat4

© Vanessa Cusimano           © Vanessa Cusimano                                            © Vanessa Cusimano                                            © Alexandra Fargeot
  • Neuro-immersion : la réalité virtuelle pour mieux comprendre notre cerveau withClément Desoche, Alessandro Farné, Valérie Gaveau and Romeo Salemme (IMPACT et NEUROIMMERSION CRNL)

And a video presentation of plateforme Neuro-Immersion realized in the frame of Lab'Inserm for la fête de la science.

Fds RV1 FdS RV2 FdS RV3 FdS RV4

© Vanessa Cusimano                                                              © Vanessa Cusimano                                       © Hélène Curvat               © Hélène Curvat


And also :

  • The stereoscopy workshop at the Ferme du Vinatier : La réalité du handicap à travers la réalité virtuelle with Valérie Gaveau (IMPACT CRNL)

Appareil de stéréoscopie Stéréoscopie

  • Within the framework of the 7th Art and Science meeting of the city of Saint Malo on the theme "Odeurs et Parfums - Leur étonnant pouvoir", two presentations of Camille Ferdenzi (NEUROPOP CRNL)

Camille Ferdenzi

  • A video shot with Anne Kosem (COPHY CRNL) by Labex Cortex as part of the Inter Labex interviews of 6 researchers on the theme "I'm talking to you about a time that the less than 30 years old cannot know" and in which she evokes the recent discipline of cognitive sciences that have evolved thanks to brain imaging.

FdS Anne Kosem


On the program for the Nuit Européenne des chercheurs at Saint Etienne :

  • Moustafa Bensafi (NEUROPOP CRNL) for the « Fabuleuse soirée » of the "Nuit européenne des chercheurs" where he evokes the 5 tastes while making a "4 hands recipe". To see in replay from 23 minutes and 35 seconds.

Nuit_Chrs Moustafa Bensafi