A new artistic residency at the CRNL!


Since 2018, two CNRS researchers from the CRNL's "Codage et Mémoire Olfactive" team, Nathalie Buonviso and Alexandra Veyrac, have been collaborating with a live performance company "le Centre Imaginaire" on the creation of an art and science production for the general public.

The construction of such a project is an enriching experience for all and an exceptional way to sensitize the general public to knowledge and questions usually confined to laboratories.

Within the framework of this project, an artistic residency took place on January 21 and 22, 2021, supported by our tutors (CNRS, Inserm, UCBL, UJM). This time of common work between the artists and the researchers of the CRNL allowed very rich and varied exchanges on the olfactory compositions and the perception of the show, in order to arrive at a final version of the show.


The original play should be scheduled in theatres starting in the spring of 2021.

If you are interested in any aspect of the production or distribution of this show, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact communication CRNL : alexandra.fargeot@inserm.fr

Contacts researchers : nathalie.buonviso@cnrs.fr ; alexandra.veyrac@cnrs.fr

For more information about the company and the show :(1) Centre Imaginaire | Facebook


The documentary vignette: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeWebJb_CP8&feature=youtu.be