The five selected projects :
Biodor-IN, de Camille FERDENZI, team NEUROPOP: “ The role of biological odors in human social interactions: A study in immersion “ ;
SNIFFATTENTION, d’Emmanuelle COURTIOL, team CMO : “Sniffing out clues to attention: olfaction as a key model to explore the neural basis of attentional processes.“ ;
NEONATOLF, de Gérard COURAUD, team ENES : “Olfaction, cognition and feeding behaviour in rabbit neonates" ;
VAMOS-KIDS, de Martine MEUNIER, team IMPACT : “Visual Attention Mediator Of Social facilitation / inhibition in school-age children ;
HIFI, de Jérémie MATTOUT, team DYCOG-COPHY : “High Fidelity Brain-Computer Interface for Motor Rehabilitation“.
Congratulations !