Since its creation, the main objective of our team is to unravel the mechanisms controlling the sleep-waking cycle with an emphasis on the captivating state of paradoxical sleep (PS or REM sleep), the state of dreaming activity. PS is affected in several neurological pathologies and its physiological and or cognitive functions remain largely unknown, although previously involved in learning, memory, mood regulation and development. Thanks to huge amounts of data harvested in rodents over the last 15 years, our team is strongly recognized internationally for the detailed description of the complex neuronal networks responsible for PS and the establishment of testable models on its regulation and dysfunctions at the origin of two sleep pathologies, namely REM sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD, an alpha-synucleinopathy prodromal of Parkinson's Disease, PD) and narcolepsy (caused by the loss of the hypothalamic orexin neurons, possibly due to an autoimmune attack). We now propose to identify the dysfunctions occurring during narcolepsy and RBD using up to date experimental approaches. Our current task is evaluate the longitudinal development of RBD and PD in mice endowed with an experimental alpha-synucleinopathy induced in neurons generating muscle atonia during PS. We will also determine whether abnormal motor behaviors in RBD are generated by the limbic structures activated during PS and that may play a key role in memory consolidation known to occur during PS.
Key words
Neurobiology / Neurosciences / Brain / Neurons / Sleep / Basic neurobiological mechanisms for sleep regulation / sleep-wake cycle / REM sleep / Paradoxical sleep / Physiological and cognitive functions of REM sleep / Dream and oniric activities
Murine preclinical models / Rodent models of sleep pathologies / REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) / Narcolepsy / Parkinson's Disease / Alpha-synuclein / Alpha-synucleinopathies / Neurodegenerative diseases /
Neurobiologie / Neurosciences / Cerveau / Neurones / Sommeil / Mécanismes neurobiologiques responsables du sommeil / Cycle veille-sommeil / Sommeil paradoxal / Fonctions physiologiques et cognitives du sommeil paradoxal / Activités oniriques pendant le rêve
Modèles précliniques murins / Modèles animaux de pathologies du sommeil / Trouble du comportement en sommeil paradoxal (RBD) / Narcolepsie / Maladie de Parkinson / Alpha-synucléine / Alpha-synucléinopathies / Maladies neurodégénératives /