Dr Vincent Magloire is currently a Inserm researcher (CR) and Wellcome research fellow interested in how brain excitability is regulated and how its dysfunction leads to paroxysmal disorders (e.g. epilepsy), with a view to developing novel treatment strategies. After completing his PhD at the University of Bern, Swizterland, he moved to the UK to work with Prof. Ole Paulsen at the University of Cambridge on the cholinergic and glutamatergic modulation of cortical Up states. He then became interested in GABAergic modulation of physiological and pathological network activity such as seizures and joined the department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy at UCL to work with Prof. Dimitri Kullmann and Dr Ivan Pavlov. In 2019, he started his own research group within the departmen and joined Lyon Neuroscience research center in 2024 to pursue his research within the team TIGER.