Looking for healthy participants for a paid study on Narrabody project, 10 euros per 30 mins. Experience starting in June 2024.
You just need to perform a simple visuo-motor task (a non-invasive and safe task) and may be asked some simple questions. The whole process will take about 30 minutes.
The inclusion criteria are:
1. Aged 18-70, and in the social security system.
2. With normal or corrected-to-normal vision (When you take off your own glasses, you can see conspicuous objects within about 60cm);
3. Without neurological disorders;
4. Had never experienced prisms before the experiment;
5. Right-handed.
Time: Starting from 18th June, every Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 5:30pm.
Address: 336 centre hospitalier le vinatier, UMD 95 Boulevard Pinel, 69500
If you or your friends or your students are willing to contribute, please let me know. (My email address: yuanliang.zhu@inserm.fr)