Anne Kösem (CoPhy)

The next "Mind Your Language" seminar will be held on Thursday April 25 at 4 pm in the Neurocampus amphitheater.
Anne Kösem (tenured researcher, COPHY team, CRNL) will be presenting on "Language and brain rhythms".
Speech is a dynamic signal and carries relevant acoustic and linguistic information in the temporal domain. Neural analysis of speech, therefore, requires continuous information processing at different time scales in parallel, from relatively brief phonemes to slower sentential information. Research in the neurobiology of speech has started to address this by putting focus on the temporal aspect of neural activity. In particular, neural dynamics have been shown to follow the rhythmic temporal structure of spoken utterances at distinct time scales. This phenomenon is sometimes described as ‘neural tracking’ or ‘neural entrainment’. In this presentation, I will discuss studies that investigate the role of neural tracking mechanisms in speech processing and their impact on speech segmentation and perception
Next seminars:
- 23/05: Serge Pinto (Laboratoire Parole et Langage, UMR 7309, CNRS/Aix-Marseille Université) on Dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease.
- 13/06: Franck Ramus (Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, Département d'Etudes Cognitives, ENS Paris) on the Genetics of Language.
- 11/07: Valentina Borghesani (Neurobiology of Concepts Expressions Laboratory, University of Geneva) on the neurobiology of semantics in Primary Progressive Aphasia.
- September: Maud Pélissier (Université Paris Cité, CLILLAC-ARP) on English L2 acquisition (to be confirmed).
Save the date!
FYI: The May 2 meeting of the Club Methodo will be devoted to tools for speech prosody analysis. More information on the mailing list:, send me an e-mail to subscribe.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Best regards,
Amélie Richard
on behalf of the Trajectoires team
CRNL | CH Le Vinatier | Bâtiment 462 Neurocampus Michel Jouvet | Amphithéâtre | 95 Boulevard Pinel | 69500 Bron