Tiphaine Caudrelier (Assistant Professor, EMC Laboratory, Lyon 2 University)
The Trajectoires Team
Multimodality and the Perception-Action Relationship in Speech
Tiphaine Caudrelier, Assistant Professor, EMC Laboratory, Lyon 2 University
The seminar will focus on the relationship between Perception and Action in speech, through sensorimotor adaptation to auditory disturbances (modification of auditory feedback in real time when the person is speaking). In addition, the relationship between different perceptual modalities in speech will be addressed, based on studies on perceptual recalibration in bilinguals, and on pronunciation learning using color-sound coding. Finally, Dr. Caudrelier will also discuss the interactions between communication and the individual body state.
CRNL | Institut Des ÉpilepsiEs IDEE | M. Hemingway Amphitheater | 95 Boulevard Pinel | 69500 Bron