Anaïs Llorens, chercheuse en neurosciences cognitives, CNRS/FEMTO-ST (Besançon) et Institute of Psychiatry And Neuroscience (Paris)
GT conférences et Groupe Egalité du CRNL

The impact of gender stereotypes in academia.
Despite increased awareness of the lack of gender equity in academia and a growing number of initiatives attempting to address this problem, change is slow and inequalities remain. Implicit gender stereotypes are largely responsible for this lack of parity. Indeed, they negatively impact all aspects of researchers' lives: career, work-life balance and mental health. In this talk, I will present the mechanisms of these gender stereotypes and their consequences on the different aspects of the careers of scientists. I will also suggest concrete actions that can be adopted at t the individual, institutional and societal level in order to mitigate this disparity.
Anaïs Llorens is a cognitive neuroscientist at the CNRS/FEMTO-ST in Besançon and the Institute of Psychiatry And Neuroscience de Paris. After obtaining her PhD at Aix-Marseille University in 2014, she pursued her research at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane (Australia), followed by a first postdoc at the University of Oslo (Norway) and a second one at the University of California, Berkeley (USA). Her research combines behavioral experiments coupled with electrophysiological recordings (EEG and intraEEG) conducted with control and pathological populations to study the brain mechanisms involved in interindividual communication such as working memory, language and emotion. In parallel to her research, Anaïs Llorens is active in initiatives promoting equity and diversity in STEM.
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