Conference - Functional maps of the mouse prefrontal cortex

Pierre Le Merre, chercheur postdoctoral au Département de Neuroscience de l'Institut Karolinska en Suède

A l'invitation de


Pierre Le Merre

Traditionally, subregions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) have been delineated based on anatomy. We here use a series of behavioral auditory tasks and high-density extracellular (Neuropixels probes) recordings in head-restrained mice to establish functional maps of the PFC. The results will focus on how functions segregate across the PFC (compared to traditional delineations of the PFC) during distinct behavioral auditory tasks.

4 May 2023 12:00–13:00

CRNL | CH Le Vinatier | Bâtiment 462 Neurocampus Michel Jouvet | Amphithéâtre | 95 Boulevard Pinel | 69500 Bron