The regional conference on the Blood-Brain Interfaces (initially cancelled due to the pandemic) will be held Friday September 29th, 2023 in Neurocampus Louis Jouvet CRNL, Bron, Lyon, France.
It is a great opportunity for PhD students and post-doc fellows to interact with senior researchers, to learn the updated progress in the BBIs research field, and to practice their presentation for future international meetings in English. It will be also the opportunity to discover who is doing what in the field among neighboring labs !
We will come to you soon with details about the free but mandatory registration process, and call for communications.
But for now :Please write this meeting into your calendar, help disseminate this information to researchers and students in your own institute or beyond, and start thinking about presentation titles and a short descriptions.
We are looking forward to seeing you all at Neurocampus in Lyon in September
Best Wishes,
Jean-François Ghersi-Egea, Frédéric Roche, Nathalie Perek
CRNL | CH Le Vinatier | Bâtiment 462 Neurocampus Michel Jouvet | Amphithéâtre | 95 Boulevard Pinel | 69500 Bron