Charlotte Canteloup, CNRS - Laboratory of Neuroscience Cognitive & Adaptative - UMR 7364, Primate Centre of Strasbourg University
GT Conférences CRNL

Primate cognition has been historically mostly studied in laboratories, but more and more studies are since then also done in primates’ natural environment. My research focus on social learning - learning from others – which is a basis for traditions and is biased toward specific individuals or behaviours. In my talk, I will present different field-based experiments I conducted in wild vervet monkeys in South Africa to study transmission pathways of new behaviours along with the social acceptance of a robot by monkeys. To finish, I will briefly present a future project starting soon on consistent individual behavioural variation in vervet monkeys’ risk-taking.
We look forward to seeing you there!
CRNL | CH Le Vinatier | Bâtiment 462 Neurocampus Michel Jouvet | Amphithéâtre | 95 Boulevard Pinel | 69500 Bron