Publications of NEUROPOP

HAL site of the team's publications








  • Bensafi M, Fournel A, Joussain P, Poncelet J, Przybylski L, Rouby C, Tillmann B. Expertise shapes domain-specific functional cerebral asymmetry during mental imagery: the case of culinary arts and music. Eur J Neurosci (2017) 45(12): 1524-1537. [3.090]
  • Ferdenzi C, Joussain P, Digard B, Luneau L, Djordjevic J, Bensafi M. Individual Differences in Verbal and Non-Verbal Affective Responses to Smells: Influence of Odor Label Across CulturesChem Senses (2017) 42(1): 37-46. [3.239]
  • Fournel A, Sezille C, Licon CC, Sinding C, Gerber J, Ferdenzi C, Hummel T, Bensafi M. Learning to name smells increases activity in heteromodal semantic areas. Hum Brain Mapp (2017) 38(12): 5958-5969. [5.431]
  • Joussain P, Ferdenzi C, Djordjevic J, Bensafi M. Relationship Between Psychophysiological Responses to Aversive Odors and Nutritional Status During Normal Aging. Chem Senses (2017) 42(6): 465-472. [3.239]
  • Manesse C, Ferdenzi C, Sabri M, Bessy M, Rouby C, Faure F, Bellil D, Jomain S, Landis BN, Hugentobler M, Cuevas M, Hummel T, Bensafi M. Dysosmia-associated changes in eating behavior. Chemosens Percept (2017) 10(4): 104-113. [1.641]


  • Daroles L, Gribaudo S, Doulazmi M, Scotto-Lomassese S, Dubacq C, Mandairon N, Greer CA, Didier A, Trembleau A, Caille I. Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein and Dendritic Local Translation of the Alpha Subunit of the Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Kinase II Messenger RNA Are Required for the Structural Plasticity Underlying Olfactory Learning. Biol Psychiatry (2016) 80(2): 149-159. [10.885]
  • Ferdenzi C, Delplanque S, Atanassova R, Sander D. Androstadienone's influence on the perception of facial and vocal attractiveness is not sex specific. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2016) 66: 166-175. [5.522]
  • Fournel A, Ferdenzi C, Sezille C, Rouby C, Bensafi M. Multidimensional representation of odors in the human olfactory cortex. Hum Brain Mapp (2016) 37(6): 2161-2172. [5.431]
  • Joussain P, Bessy M, Faure F, Bellil D, Landis BN, Hugentobler M, Tuorila H, Mustonen S, Vento SI, Delphin-Combe F, Krolak-Salmon P, Rouby C, Bensafi M. Application of the European Test of Olfactory Capabilities in patients with olfactory impairment. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2016) 273(2): 381-390. [1.647]
  • Joussain P, Bessy M, Fournel A, Ferdenzi C, Rouby C, Delphin-Combe F, Krolak-Salmon P, Bensafi M. Altered Affective Evaluations of Smells in Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis (2016) 49(2): 433-441. [3.792]
  • Kermen F, Midroit M, Kuczewski N, Forest J, Thevenet M, Sacquet J, Benetollo C, Richard M, Didier A*, Mandairon N*. Topographical representation of odor hedonics in the olfactory bulb. Nat Neurosci (2016) 19(7): 876-878. [19.188]


  • Ferdenzi C, Delplanque S, Mehu-Blantar I, Da Paz Cabral KM, Domingos Felicio M, Sander D. The Geneva Faces and Voices (GEFAV) database. Behav Res Methods (2015) 47(4): 1110-1121. [4.885]
  • Ferdenzi C, Delplanque S, Vorontsova-Wenger O, Pool E, Bianchi-Demicheli F, Sander D. Perception of men's beauty and attractiveness by women with low sexual desire. J Sex Med (2015) 12(4): 946-955. [3.139]
  • Ferdenzi C, Fournel A, Thevenet M, Coppin G, Bensafi M. Viewing Olfactory Affective Responses Through the Sniff Prism: Effect of Perceptual Dimensions and Age on Olfactomotor Responses to Odors. Front Psychol (2015) 6: 1776. [2.749]
  • Luisier AC, Petitpierre G, Ferdenzi C, Clerc Berod A, Giboreau A, Rouby C, Bensafi M. Odor Perception in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and its Relationship to Food Neophobia. Front Psychol (2015) 6: 1830. [2.749]
  • Sezille C, Ferdenzi C, Chakirian A, Fournel A, Thevenet M, Gerber J, Hummel T, Bensafi M. Dissociated neural representations induced by complex and simple odorant molecules. Neuroscience (2015) 287: 23-31. [3.362]
  • Vinera J, Kermen F, Sacquet J, Didier A, Mandairon N, Richard M. Olfactory perceptual learning requires action of noradrenaline in the olfactory bulb: comparison with olfactory associative learningLearn Mem (2015) 22(3): 192-196. [3.547]


  • Bensafi M, Croy I, Phillips N, Rouby C, Sezille C, Gerber J, Small DM, Hummel T. The effect of verbal context on olfactory neural responses. Hum Brain Mapp (2014) 35(3): 810-818. [5.431]
  • Ferdenzi C, Poncelet J, Rouby C, Bensafi M. Repeated exposure to odors induces affective habituation of perception and sniffing. Front Behav Neurosci (2014) 8: 119. [3.553]
  • Joussain P, Rouby C, Bensafi M. A pleasant familiar odor influences perceived stress and peripheral nervous system activity during normal aging. Front Psychol (2014) 5: 113. [2.749]
  • Mandairon N, Kermen F, Charpentier C, Sacquet J, Linster C, Didier A Context-driven activation of odor representations in the absence of olfactory stimuli in the olfactory bulb and piriform cortexFront Behav Neurosci (2014) 8: 138. [3.553]
  • Moreno M, Richard M, Landrein B, Sacquet J, Didier A, Mandairon N Alteration of olfactory perceptual learning and its cellular basis in aged mice. Neurobiol Aging (2014) 35(3): 680-691. [5.060]
  • Sezille C, Fournel A, Rouby C, Rinck F, Bensafi M. Hedonic appreciation and verbal description of pleasant and unpleasant odors in untrained, trainee cooks, flavorists, and perfumers. Front Psychol (2014) 5: 12. [2.749]