Anne Auguste CMO CRNL was awarded a doctoral grant from B2V l'observatoire des mémoires - End of thesis video


The work of Anne Auguste is part of a project led by Alexandra Veyrac CMO CRNL on the role of new neurons in memory processes.

The observatory has produced a video of her thesis work: Anne Auguste | Observatoire B2V des Mémoires (

If, like her, you want to do a thesis on memory, you have until 20 May to apply on the site!

A publication of MEMO team on "TOP 100 in Neuroscience" in Scientific Reports !


Top 100 in Neuroscience is a collection of Scientific Reports.

This collection highlights their most downloaded neuroscience papers published in 2020. Featuring authors from around the world, these papers showcase valuable research from an international community.

In the collection of 31 March 2021, the publication of MEMO CRNL about subjective sleep has the rank 34 of 1750 !


The World at Our Fingertips

The World at Our Fingertips

A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Peripersonal Space

A book edited by Frédérique de Vignemont, Andrea Serino, Hong Yu Wong, and Alessandro Farnè (IMPACT CRNL), Oxford University Press - Academic, April 1st, 2021, 352 pages, ISBN: 9780198851738.

The powers of meditation


A March-April 2021 Collector's Issue of Cerveau et Psycho in which Antoine LUTZ (EDUWELL CRNL) as well as Christophe ANDRE, Matthieu RICARD and Rébecca BEGUE-SHANKLAND discuss the Powers of Meditation.