Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions

Aurélie Bidet-Caulet

Aurélie BIDET-CAULET (PAM CRNL), co-signs this article recently published in Neuron. They “argue that gender bias is not a single problem but manifests as collection of distinct issues that impact researchers' lives. They dientangle these facets and propose concrte solutions that can be adpted by individuals, academic institutions, and society“.

INFO VALO : Proud of the winners "made in CRNL"!

i-Lab i-PhD

Innovation competitions: 3 winners 2021 from the CRNL boosted by Pulsalys in the i-PhD and i-Lab categories:

Audrey Vialatte (TRAJECTOIRES CRNL), i-PhD winner, leader of the LudiSymboles project

Silvia Macchione (IMPACT CRNL), i-PhD winner, leader of the Face à Main project

Jordan Guyon, i-Lab winner, CEO of Gaoma Therapeutics (the startup  is based on the results of TIGER CRNL)