Three young researchers are joining the CRNL! Portrait of Audrey Hay


They have passed the external Inserm and CNRS research fellowships and will respectively join the EDUWELL team for Romain Quentin, PSYR2 for Jacqueline Scholl and WAKING for Audrey Hay.

We welcome them and congratulate them!

Today, the portrait of Audrey Hay, CR CNRS who joins the WAKING CRNL team. The last portraits will follow!

Elles, Ils sont l'Inserm - Portrait of Gaëtan Amorim, GenCyTi CRNL


Following the implementation within Inserm of the "Plan for professional equality between women and men", Inserm wanted to highlight, through video testimonies, the women and men who make and are Inserm at the local level.

The 3rd episode is the testimony of Gaëtan AMORIM, Research Technician at the GenCyTi CRNL platform.

Three young researchers are joining the CRNL! Portrait of Romain Quentin

Romain Quentin

They have passed the external Inserm and CNRS research fellowships and will respectively join the EDUWELL team for Romain Quentin, PSYR2 for Jacqueline Scholl and WAKING for Audrey Hay.

We welcome them and congratulate them!

Today, the portrait of Romain Quentin, CR Inserm who joins the EDUWELL CRNL team. The other portraits will follow!