The CRNL teams and platforms are all located on the 'Lyon Neurocampus' site (see airplane view), which brings together the Vinatier psychiatric Hospital and the Lyon East Hospital (GHE) (Neurology / Neurosurgery, Mother-Children , Cardiology) separated by Boulevard Pinel from Hospital Desgenette, together forming one of the largest Medical Pole of Lyon.
The NeuroCampus Michel Jouvet is a new building of 7000 m2 (State-Region Plan contracts 2007-2013 and 2015-2020, total ~ € 20 M) officially inaugurated on November 14, 2019. It is the result of the “Lyon NeuroCampus” project of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University aiming to bring together all of Lyon's neuroscientific forces in the Lyon-University Hospital Center, including the three main Neuroscience laboratories (CRNL, ISCMJ and SBRI) and the Lyon neuroimaging research platform (CERMEP).
Fully occupied by the central services, 9 teams (CAP, CMO, FLUID, FORGETTING, GENDEV, NEUROPOP, SLEEP, TIGER, WAKING) and 4 platforms (BELIV, BIP, GenCyTi, NeuroDialyTics) of the CRNL, the Neurocampus Michel Jouvet has been named in honour of the great Lyon neurobiologist, specialist of the paradoxal sleep and main founder of Neuroscience Research in Lyon in the 60’s. Prof. Michel Jouvet (1925-2017) was also the first to envision and promote the project of gathering together all Lyon Neuroscience workforces to demystify the Brain and its pathologies.
The other teams and platforms of CRNL occupy other buildings within the 'Lyon Neurocampus' site: DYCOG (INSERM Regional Delegation), IMPACT (INSERM Bron2), NEUROPAIN (Neurological Hospital), TIGER and GENDEV (IDEE), PSYR2 (Vinatier Hospital); platforms: NeuroImmersion, Movement & Handicap and Intracranial EEG Signals (Neurological Hospital).