Investments for the Future


The University-Hospital Institute (IHU) CESAME (head: F. Mauguière): this project (“Cerveau et Santé Mentale”, Brain and Mental Health) was evaluated as a “promising IHU” and was granted 6 M€ over 2012-2018 for developing several technological platforms open to the Lyon neuroscience community as well as other national or international research groups. Three platforms are managed by CRNL members: (1) Human Intracerebral Signals, (2) Neuro-Immersion and (3) the Blood-brain Interface exploratory platform.



The Labex CORTEX is a “Laboratory of Excellence”, launched in 2012 and granted 11.5 M€ (head 2012-2019: H. Kennedy), renewed for 2020-2025 (head: J.-L. Bessereau), around a research topic devoted to “Construction, Cognitive Function, Rehabilitation, and Repair of the Cortex”. It gathers teams from various neuroscience, cognitive psychology and economics labs in Lyon; with six teams of the CRNL involved in the 1st or 2nd phase of CORTEX (CMO, DYCOG, IMPACT, NEUROPAIN, then SLEEP and WAKING). Three of its 4 research fields are directly in line with CRNL objectives: (1) Large scale networks underlying perception, (2) Behavior, neuroeconomics and social cognition, (3) Repair, remediation and training. The Labex CORTEX provides support for research, education and training, new medical outcomes and industrial transfer.



The Labex CELYA is a “Laboratory of Excellence” entitled “Lyon Center for Acoustics” (head: D. Juve) encompassing audition and psychoacoustics. CAP and DYCOG teams of CRNL are members of this Labex, providing so far PhD fellowship and support for conference organization. This Labex has been renewed for the 2020-2025 period, including CAP, PAM and ENES teams.



The Labex PRIMES is a “Laboratory of Excellence” on “Physics, Radiobiology, Medical Imaging and Simulation” (head: F. Peyrin) to which the BIORAN team of CRNL participates. It has been renewed for the 2020-2025 period.



The Equipex LILI is an “Equipment of Excellence” for Hybrid MRI-TEP.


IDEX Lyon.

The IDEX Lyon is an « Initiative of Excellence » aiming at developping the attractiveness and influence of Lyon & St Etienne academic sites at national and international levels.