Romain Ligneul (COPHY)
The Online Studies Workgroup

Dear all,
On the 18th of June, 9am-1pm, Romain Ligneul (COPHY) will give a workshop on web-based behavioural experiments (see abstract below). Room F28 in the CRNL Neurocampus. Please sign up so we know whether we need to get a bigger room:
Please also forward this email to anyone you think might be interested at your institutes.
For those who already completed the doodle, if you ticked ‘yes’ (rather than ‘maybe’), I’ve already put your name on the list.
Best wishes
Jacquie and Romain for the Online Studies Workgroup.
Workshop on web-based behavioural experiments
Online testing can provide large amounts of data required to feed machine-learning algorithms and study populations that are otherwise hard to reach. Familiarize yourself with key concepts, tools and techniques to develop your web experiments. Check the preliminary program below.
Crash course (60 minutes)
Why web-based behavioral experiments?
Browser performances and quality of online data
Landscape of existing tools and associated dilemmas
Regulatory considerations
Common challenges, dos and don'ts
Open discussion (30 minutes)
A moment to make questions and share your experiences/hopes/fears regarding online experiments
Practical (150 minutes)
Overview of the tutorial code
Modifications of the code
Serving the experiment online
Working with JSON-like data
Participants will receive a link a week before the workshop to install a couple of things (5 minutes) for the practical. Those who only plan to attend the talk can safely ignore it.
CRNL | CH Le Vinatier | Bâtiment 462 Neurocampus Michel Jouvet | Salle F28 | 95 Boulevard Pinel | 69500 Bron