Translational workshop in Neurosciences on Attention

Illustration Translational workshop in Neurosciences on Attention

"Everyone is talking about it, no one has seen it." One could almost sum up the paradox of attention in this way. This faculty that we agree to place at the heart of our executive functions. Protean, crossing spatial and temporal scales, and of which we sometimes forget that its resources are not unlimited, of which we still wonder about its links with consciousness, of which we are still struggling to forge a mathematical theory since influencial works of William James, attention is on everyone's lips.

Attention has a profound impact on perception, learning and decision making, hence on our performance in this densely connected and rapidly changing world. Attention can be lacking, from infancy to adulthood. It is also an object of desire and has aquired a high economic value. All these reasons push us to observe it, to manipulate it, to improve it, and therefore to understand it.

Whether one is interested in a particular neurological or psychiatric disorder, whether one is studying a particular cognitive process, the role of attention cannot be ignored. And all of these approaches shed light on attentional processes but are rarely confronted. For this one-day translational workshop, we wanted to make attention the main topic of discussion, and to do so, bring together the views of international experts, clinicians and researchers, with highly complementary perspectives. Pay attention to the program, it speaks for itself.


9h00 – Welcoming participants    

9h15 – 9h30 Introductory words  
9h30 – 10h A modern story of attention, David Roulier, Paris  
10h – 10h30 Towards an education of attention, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Lyon 

30' Break 

11h – 11h30 When attention is defective, Fabienne Collette, Liège  
11h30 – 12h The anatomy of attention, Paolo Bartolomeo, Paris  
12h – 12h30 ‘attentive together’ Consulting 


14h00 – 14h30 Attention deficits in children and teenagers, Pierre Fourneret, Lyon  
14h30 – 15h00 Non-pharmacological approaches in ADHD, Stéphanie Bioulac, Grenoble  
15h00 – 15h30 Attention deficits in adults, Jérémie Pariente, Toulouse 

30' Break 

16h – 16h30 The neurophysiology of attention, Suliann Ben Hamed, Lyon  
16h30 – 17h Computational models of attention, Grace Lindsay (visio), New-York  
17h – 17h30 Human-Robot interactions and Joint attention, Agnieszka Wykowska, Genova 

17h30 Concluding words – ‘attentive together’ Consulting    

Modalités d'inscription     
Cet atelier est destiné aux étudiants et chercheurs en neurosciences et aux internes en neurologie.     
L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire.     

Voir le site du workshop

23 mai 2023 09:00–17:30

CRNL | CH Le Vinatier | Bâtiment 462 Neurocampus Michel Jouvet | Amphithéâtre | 95 Boulevard Pinel | 69500 Bron