Dr. Camille Fauchon is a postdoctoral researcher in the NeuroPain team under the direction of Drs L. Garcia-Larrea (Lyon) and R. Peyron (Saint-Etienne). His thesis project aimed to investigate the influence of contextual factors (empathetic behavior) on pain perception using psychophysics, physiological measures and brain imaging. Camille has also a background in brain stimulation using rTMS for treatment of chronic neuropathic pain. He moved to the lab of Dr. K. Davis at the University Health Network (Canada) to embark on his first postdoctoral training (3 years). His projects in the Dr. Davis’s lab were focused on sex differences associated with brain functionality abnormalities in chronic pain. He went back to the NeuroPain team in 2021 to work on chronic pain research using recent methods and concepts developed in the pain field. The aim is to provide insight into individual differences associated with brain functionality abnormalities in chronic pain and predictors of treatment outcome with various methodological approaches in MRI-based functional connectivity, magnetoencephalography, machine learning and graph theory analysis. He is also working in collaboration with a Sensory Neuro-Ethology team (ENES team-Dr. N. Mathevon) to evaluate “Perception of the baby’s pain cry”.